Health Fitness

When The Young Becomes Restless

Being independent is something every young adult looks forward to. It is a time when they become free to do the things they’ve always wanted to do. Leaving home may have a certain emotional tug but the desire to become independent elicits a certain high that outweighs whatever feelings they have about staying home. However, as soon as they move…

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Reference Education

How To Maintain Your Mental Health

In recent years people have realized the importance of proper diet and exercise, and recent surveys show that over the last 20 years people are eating better and working out more often, resulting in people living longer, but people are still lacking in their understanding that their mental well being is just as important as their physical health. Today most…

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Health Fitness

Diagnosing Mental Health

Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that has no one official definition according to the World Health Organization. Most experts believe that mental health is measured by an individual’s ability to remain capable and competent, handling normal levels of stress, maintaining happy and healthy relationships and his/her ability to lead an…

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Axes Of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are like tips of icebergs. They rest on a foundation of causes and effects, interactions and events, emotions and cognitions, functions and dysfunctions that together form the patient and make him or her what s/he is. The DSM uses five axes to analyze, classify, and describe these data. The patient (or subject) presents himself to a mental health…

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Top5 Amazing Rapid Mental Math Methods

Today you can define mental math in various different ways. Some would say, memorizing times table and remembering the solutions can form the part of mental mathematics. Some would say ability to perform simple calculations in your head can be mental mathematics. The web dictionary defines mental mathematics as “Computing an exact answer without using pencil and paper or other…

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Health Fitness

Blood Glory Do Video Games Make Monsters

Video games have been taking the flak for the surprising rise in teen and childhood violence over the past few decades. Everything, from the increase of guns among inner city kids to the Columbine tragedy, have been blamed on video games. Some US Senators have even attempted to have the entire industry banned based on the “fact” that video games…

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