Goal Setting

Keep That Focus

One of the things most critical to home business success is defining one’s goals. We are continually reminded to write them on paper, giving ourselves a deadline to meet them, so that we can remain focused on our ultimate dreams. We need to keep them in front of us at all times in order to maintain the motivation often needed…

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Health Fitness

Mind And Body Are They As Distinct As Initially Believed

The mind and the body, French philosopher Rene Descartes once said, are two fundamentally separate concepts. Descartes believed that the mind and the body were separate from one another, with no correlation or connection between the two. For many centuries, people accepted the theory that a person’s state of mind is distinct and separate from the condition of the body.…

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World S Fastest Mental Math Method

High Speed Vedic Mathematics is a super fast way of calculation whereby you can do supposedly complex calculations like 998 x 997 in less than five seconds flat. This makes it the World’s Fastest Mental Math Method.It is highly beneficial for school and college students and students who are appearing for their entrance examinations. High Speed Vedic Mathematics is far…

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How To Maintain Your Mental Health

In recent years people have realized the importance of proper diet and exercise, and recent surveys show that over the last 20 years people are eating better and working out more often, resulting in people living longer, but people are still lacking in their understanding that their mental well being is just as important as their physical health. Today most…

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Self Improvement

Mindfulness And Mental Health Improvement

What’s going on in your head? Until you know, there can be all sorts of problems. Uncorrectable problems. You can’t fix a problem that you don’t see, right? That is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness and mental health are intimately connected. Your mind is busy in there right now, talking about all sorts of things. It may be telling you…

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The Increased Incidence Of Scabies Among Patients In Mental Institutions

Scabies is a very contagious skin disease caused by infestation with a type of microscopic mite called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. The parasite mites responsible for causing scabies can be easily contracted by entering in contact with infested persons. Scabies can also be acquired indirectly, by entering in contact with contaminated objects. Although scabies mites can live for a few…

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Time Management

Developing A Positive Mental Attitude

Because the development of a positive mental attitude can be a truly daunting task for many people, the best way to begin is with a plan. All truly great endeavors, such as the making of the Empire State Building or the creation of the United States of America, each began with a plan. If the plan is a good one…

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Time Management

Learn How To Defend Your Dreams

Have you ever been convinced to walk away from your dreams by people who manage to throw enough self doubt at you to win that war of attrition? The constant day in and day out negativity that pushes you to give up your dreams and conform to something you’re not? “What are you nuts? You can’t do that!” “Oh there’s…

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Health Fitness

Guard Your Mental Health

I am a firm believer that the mental health of a person is just as important as their physical health. I guess I believe this so strongly because I have seen the affects of someone not caring about the state of their mental health. By mental health I am not referring to the serious mental health conditions such as depression,…

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