
Differences The Old And New Testament

The Bible is a Book that has two main divisions in – the Old Testament and the New Testament. Even though there are these distinct parts of the Bible – it still has only one theme – redemption. This is necessary to understand because the whole Bible revolves around this theme, and some have said that there is a scarlet…

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God Is Stronger Than Your Fears And Anxieties

At times, our fears and anxieties may seem too powerful to overcome, however there is one person who is stronger than your fears and that is the power of God. God can be a powerful ally in overcoming our fears, however a person must know where to begin. The key is to talk to God about your problem and then…

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Can I Be A Christian And Believe In An Old Earth

Yes, you can! There is no verse in the Bible which causes you to accept a young earth as the only answer. The Bible does not say, “Thou shalt believe in a young earth.” The fact is, no verse in the Bible makes any claims as to the age of the earth. All the so-called verses that young earth proponents…

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Two Thousand Years Later

The Passion of The Christ has caused a lot of discussions. Some people accuse the film to be anti-Semitic or that it has the potential to incite hatred and violence towards Jews. Other people object mainly to Mel Gibson’s gruesome depiction of Jesus Christ’s last 12 hours on earth in his latest film: The Passion Of The Christ. Though these…

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Amassing Christian Wealth Supernaturally Today

In Deuteronomy 8:18, God told the people through Moses, that He had given them the power to obtain wealth so that He could establish the Abrahamic covenant with them just as He had with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. “Establish,” here, would be more understandable had our translators used the word “continue” in place of “establish.” You see, the Abrahamic covenant…

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Were The Ten Commandments Abolished

In Colossians 2:16 it reads “Let no man therefore judge you in meat (offering), or in drink (offering), or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days:”. Many people who have read this verse out of context have concluded that this means that the fourth Commandment, which says “Remember the Sabbath day to…

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Jesus King Of Kings

With Christmas just around the corner our thoughts turn naturally to the birth of Jesus. Most people think of Jesus as a teacher and a healer, and of course they would be right. The Bible also tells us that God promised King David a son who would reign over Israel for ever. That son was Jesus Christ. We often forget…

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First Communion A Right Of Passage For Roman Catholics

A child’s first communion is a very special day in their life, a day that will be remembered 60 or 70 years hence. First Communion is a Right of Passage ceremony into the Catholic Church, where children make their own commitment to Christ. The seven year old children have to attend liturgy lessons for about ten weeks each Saturday. Sometimes…

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Tithing Today A Highly Polarised Debate Where Do You Stand

As with any debate that involves money, you’ll find strong views for and against tithing. If you type “tithe”, “tithes” or “tithing” into a search engine you quickly begin to get the impression that there are at least one or two former tithe payers out there who aren’t “happy bunnies” and you’d be forgiven for thinking that they’re probably not…

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