
Dietary Supplements Do We Need Them

No dietary supplement can provide that, but with the assiduous use of vitamins and minerals, we can often achieve optimum health for our age group and certainly ease the symptoms of diseases we may suffer from. Dietary supplements can be divided into two main types; nutritional, (vitamins and minerals and amino acids) and botanical (herbal types). But is it really…

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Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a safe, reliable and inexpensive vitamin. For health-conscious individuals, a regular intake of a prescribed amount of vitamin B12 is a key element for preserving a balance in the human body. B12 could be obtained from food sources or could be taken in the form of supplements orally or via injections. In combination with other B-group vitamins,…

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Don T Fear Heart Disease Take Your Vitamins

Heart disease kills many people every year. One of the risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol. If you are diagnosed with heart disease, your doctor will undoubtedly prescribe a cholesterol-lowering drug and request that you follow a diet low in cholesterol. Vitamin E naturally keeps cholesterol at a healthy level by limiting the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)…

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Are Liquid Supplements Right For Your Healthy Diet

Liquid nutrition products like Ensure ™ and Boost ™ have been used almost exclusively in nursing homes and hoispitals, until recently. Lately we have seen nutritional companies marketing these drinks to people of all ages and all stages of health. Liquid supplements are supposed to be the answer for busy moms running around with the kids, business people running out…

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Does Creatine Really Help Build Muscle

If you are a gym rat or bodybuilder or simply interested in beginning an exercise program you have probably heard a lot about creatine and the muscle miracles it performs. Unfortunately, most people believe that creatine helps build muscle and it does in a way, but probably not the way you are thinking. The best way to describe creatine is…

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How Can Same Supplements Help Me

What is SAMe? SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is a naturally occurring compound found in all human tissue and organs. It is a “building block” necessary for the production of many compounds produced by your body, and is used in over 35 different biochemical reactions. SAMe actually donates a part of itself to form these new compounds through a process called methylation or…

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Exciting New Clinical Research On Arthritis Supplement

For the millions of Americans who suffer from arthritis, the search for relief is often long and confusing. For many, the recall of the arthritis medication Vioxx served as a wake-up call. To avoid side effects, many people looked for an alternative source of relief in supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin. However, a recent study by the National Institutes…

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The Polysaccharide Supplement Better That Any Other Vitamin

Polysaccharides are the first biopolymers that have formed on our planet. They are in fact complex carbohydrates composed of many monosaccharides bound together and with complex branches of molecules. There are a few types of polysaccharides. Among these the most common are: – Glycogen, which is the same substance as the animal glucose and a different form of the normal…

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Bone Up On Vitamin D

Weak, fragile bones and susceptibility to fractures-these are some of the painful consequences of the debilitating bone disease, osteoporosis. Currently, 10 million people suffer from osteoporosis in the United States and another 34 million are at risk of developing the disease. The Surgeon General has named osteoporosis a national health threat and estimated that by 2020 one in two Americans…

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