Food Beverage

Diet Food Doesn T Have To Be Boring

Not too long ago, my mother and I were talking about food and diets. “Your grandmother used to feed you pasta five nights a week,” my mother insisted. “She did not!” I exclaimed, stung. After all, I remembered my grandmother as a wonderfully varied cook who could make anything taste wonderful. She served all sorts of meals, not just pasta!…

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The Health Benefits Of Salmon

A New Old Super Food? The modern North American diet is one rich in saturated fats, deep fried foods, and high sugar drinks. Cola, alcohol, and fast food have all taken their toll on the overall health and fitness of the North American population, and now a full two thirds of the population is considered overweight or obese, with nearly…

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Weight Loss

Lose Weight With A Balanced Vegetarian Diet

When it comes to healthy weight loss, one of the secrets of success is to eat a balanced diet. Balance here means eating the right amount of nutritious food. In our fast food, take-out world, it is easy to get the quantities wrong and also miss out on the quality as well. So eat when you are hungry but don’t…

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What You Need To Know About Vegetarianism

Living healthy requires maintaining a healthy diet. No diet may be healthier than meals dominated by fresh, all-natural vegetables and fruits. Lately, more and more people have shifted to vegetarian meals because scientific research demonstrated the adverse effects of animal meat. Nutritionists explain that the high amount of animal fat present in meat, dairy, and other animal products may be…

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Eating A Healthy Dinner A Simple Matter Of Planning

Dinner is probably the healthiest meal for most of us. We often overlook breakfast and eat lunch on the run, but for dinner, most of us take more time in preparing and planning how to eat a balanced, healthy dinner. But there’s also a lot of pressure on dinner. It’s the last meal of the day and if you are…

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Weight Loss

Grazing Can Lower Your Weight

If you are like most people and have tried at least a half dozen diets with nothing that seems to work, here is one way of eating that finally may help you succeed- grazing. Grazing is a relatively new term in the diet world. The good part about grazing is that you don’t have to eat any specific foods or…

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Food Beverage

Menu Planning For Busy Families

Many families never plan menus. They go to the grocery store with no idea in mind of what they want to buy. Is it any wonder that there is often nothing in the house to eat? When I go to the store with no menus and no list, I return home with $50 worth of chips and snacks and little…

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The Benefits Of The All Inclusive Ski Vacation

For many, nothing beats the joy of hitting the slopes; putting on boots, skis, and goggles before facing the mountain at hand. Skiing, even when done with friends and family, is still a solitary sport which is, in part, the reason for its vast popularity. The serenity that comes from being outside – in beautiful environs – and putting your…

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