Health Fitness

Lyme Disease It Bites

People often ignore insect bites thinking that the itching and the swelling will just go away on its own. But who would have through that something as little as a tick can bring so much trouble aside from the usual insect bite marks. Lyme disease Lyme disease, also called borreliosis, is a bacterial infection acquired from tick bites. This are…

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Womens Issues

Candida Home Remedies Simple Yet Effective

Most people may not have heard of candidiasis and the ones who do know can tell you the symptoms of the disease can easily be mistaken for an upset stomach, an allergic reaction or simple exhaustion. Unfortunately, if left unattended, candidiasis or infection brought about by the fungus candida albicans can cause serious damage to the body. The good news…

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What To Do When Infected With Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a physical reaction of the skin to certain allergens or substances that potently cause allergies or reactions. The skin infection is brought about by the effects on the skin of certain irritants. There are basically four kinds or classifications of contact dermatitis that are usually diagnosed by doctors and dermatologists. These are irritant contact dermatitis (ICD), allergic…

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Health Fitness

Skin Health Solutions

There may be more to caring for the skin you’re in than many people realize. Here, from a noted dermatologist, is an answer to a common skin care question. Q. I’m never surprised when my four-year-old son comes in from playing outside with cuts or scrapes. But recently, a cut on his forearm has become red, swollen and a little…

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What Bacteria Causes Eye Styes

Styes are caused by staphylococcal bacteria. This disease appears due to debilitated condition of the system. An Eye stye occurs when staphylococcal bacteria infect one of the tiny glands at the base of the eyelid hairs and then becomes inflamed. A chalazion can sometimes be mistaken for a stye. A chalazion or stye is a small lump on the eyelid…

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Health Fitness

Six Ways To Sidestep A Sinus Infection This Winter

It’s winter cold season, and lately everyone seems to have a case of the sniffles. A cold is no fun, but it’s even worse when it turns into a sinus infection. Help yourself boot the sniffles early by learning what causes a sinus infection, and how you can help your body prevent one. Colds and allergies increase the risk of…

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Disease Illness

Meningitis And Encephalitis What S The Difference

“Meningitis” and “encephalitis” are two words that pop onto most people’s radar screens from time to time, and usually in some scary context, like hearing of a cluster of cases in their child’s school, or reading media reports of epidemics occurring nationally or internationally. While most people understand that these words mean there is some sort of infection of the…

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Health Fitness

The Human Immune System The Body S Defense Against Disease

It is the most basic instinct of any living thing to fight to survive. It is for this same reason why the history of mankind has been constantly marked by various armed battles. Disputes arise because of conflicts between ideologies and religion. The desire to acquire others’ resources and dominate other territories have spawned wars. Since the beginning of time,…

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Disease Illness

How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections Effectively

Candida is a type of fungus which lives in our body. Yeast infection happens when Candida grow too much in the body system. The good bacteria in your body keeps the yeast from overgrowth. However, when you consume medication such as antibiotics, it kills the good bacteria thereby allowing the yeast to grow out of control. Yeast infection affects mostly…

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Yeast Infection Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic

The coffee table talk goes very low when you whisper, “yeast infection”, but the body screams RELIEF NOW! A trip to the doctor, adverse side effects and nothing natural would be the next thought. Can there be a natural solution to a disease that each woman will suffer at least twice in her life? Yeast infection is like a ghost…

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