
Treatment Of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) type 1 and type 2. Most genital herpes is caused by HSV type 2. Most people have no or minimal symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When symptoms do occur, they usually appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. The…

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Dealing With Tuberculosis Tb

Tuberculosis (TB) is an illness related to the respiratory system. It is a disease caused by a germ mainly found in your lungs. It is a contagious disease which means you have to take extra precaution for the safety of other people. By the continuous sneezing, talking and coughing these air-borne germs can spread to other people. It can turn…

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Leucatin Believed To Aid In Natural Treatment Of Nail Fungus

Leucatin is a natural product that is said to instantly begin fighting against nail fungus. In addition to ridding the current infection, Leucatin is also believed to help prevent the fungus from spreading to other areas. This product contains all natural ingredients and is commonly available as both a capsule and spray, which are used together in order to effectively…

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Disease Illness

Sinus Infection Symptoms What Should You Look For

Is it a sinus infection or a common cold? Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish the difference. Infection or inflammation of the sinuses also known as sinusitis affects millions of people every year and in many instances causes serious discomfort or pain. The symptoms of sinus infections actually depend upon which of the four sinuses are affected and whether…

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Dealing With Dandruff Natural Treatments

CAUSES OF DANDRUFF Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood, it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to an inflammatory response that kills…

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Home Remedies For Eye Infection

Different kinds of ailments attack your eyes causing eye infection. It can be due to many reasons but some of the common reasons for this infection is bacteria, viral or foreign object. It is known that people who wear contact lenses are more prone to eye infection due to presence of bacteria. Some common eye infections are Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis):…

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Disposable Lenses Can Cause A Contact Lens Eye Infection

There have been many various eye infection issues with contact lenses in the recent years; sometimes it is blamed on specific products, but mostly it is lack of good hygiene. There are some major issues that specifically have to do with people who wear soft contact lenses. Those people are definitely at a heightened risk for a serious contact lens…

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Disease Illness

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Std Guide

Sexually transmitted diseases are escalating nowadays when more people have started entering into multiple sexual relationships. They might not consider this ethically wrong but the fact remains that such people are more prone to sexual diseases. However, if unfortunately one gets infected by any such disease, it is better to start ailment as soon as possible for these diseases have…

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Disease Illness

Wilderness Sickness

Have you ever been out camping or hiking? Yes you have, you look like the hiking and camping type. Well in your experiences out in the wilderness you mave have had a time where you drank water from a stream or a pump. how did you feel later on? You may have come down with “beaver fever”… Commonly called beaver…

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