
Childhood Strep Throat Overview

Children and teenagers are commonly confronted with strep throat. Due to its very contagious character, strep throat can be easily acquired by children during the flu seasons. Strep throat is a type a sore throat caused by infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. Unlike sore throat, the bacterial form of the illness usually generates more intense symptoms which can persist…

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Home Remedies For Animal Bite

If you are bitten by any animal, be it a pet or a wild one, you need to take necessary precautions to prevent any form of infection or disease. – Home Remedial Measures Thoroughly wash the wound with cold water, once you get the bleeding under control, remove the saliva from the bitten animal by washing the wound with soap…

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Health Fitness

Nail Fungus This Can Even Kill Your Nail

A fungus or a type of yeast causes nails fungal infection. This infection makes the nail thick and crumbly. Nail fungus normally affects the toenails. It can even disfigure the nails and discolor them. If left uncontrolled nail fungus can make the nail die. Let us see what it is and how to stop it. Nail Fungus- What causes it…

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Womens Issues

What You Should Know About A Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection is a fungal infection of any of the Candida species, of which Candida albicans is probably the most common. Yeast organisms are always present in all people, but are usually prevented from “overgrowth” by naturally occurring microorganisms. At least three quarters of all women will experience candidiasis at some point in their lives. The Candida albicans organism is…

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Disease Illness

The Hepatitis B Virus

Hepatitis B is what we used to originally known as just simply serum hepatitis. Hep B has been recognized as this new name since World War II. The virus is responsible for current epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. Recognized as endemic in China and various other parts of Asia, the Hepatitis B virus has infected over one third…

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The Challenge In Diagnosing Chronic Appendicitis

Chronic appendicitis usually refers to a milder form of the illness. Chronic appendicitis is very rare and its symptoms are less pronounced, in some cases even undetectable. Judging by its gravity and rate of development, appendicitis can be either chronic or acute. Acute appendicitis is very common and it is characterized through intense symptoms and fast rate of progression. Chronic…

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Health Fitness

Treating Acute Sinusitis

You know that your cold is getting better but suddenly after a few days it seemed to get worse. You experience pain in the face. You have fever, runny nose, and thick yellow or greenish nasal discharge. If you think you have this symptoms you have to consult your physician immediately because you can be suffering from sinusitis. People often…

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Can Toxic Shock Syndrome Be Prevented

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches and rash. It can rapidly progress to severe and intractable hypotension and multisystem dysfunction. Desquamation, particularly on the palms and soles can occur 1-2 weeks after onset of the illness. Prevention The bacteria that cause toxic shock syndrome can be carried on unwashed hands…

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Methods Of Preventing Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) describes a cluster of symptoms that involve many systems of the body. The following bacteria commonly cause TSS: 1. Staphylococcus aureus 2. Streptococcus pyogenes TSS from Staphylococcus infections was identified in the late 70s and early 80s when highly absorbent tampons were widely used in menstruating women. Due to manufacturing changes in tampons, the incidence of…

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