Health Fitness

Acne Prevention Should I See A Dermatologist

Acne is a skin infection that may be considered as one of the worst things that can happen to a person, especially during the teenage years. Aside from the obvious physical damage it can do, one would also have to contend with things such as the social impact and the psychological damage that it could bring. A person may even…

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Health Fitness

Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a serious issue. No one wants to be known as having bad breath. However, brushing regularly and mouthwash may not always be effective. Here are some tips about avoiding bad breath. If you are suffering from bad breath, brushing and rinsing your mouth may not be an effective remedy. There are many reasons why people have…

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Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding Complications

Sore nipples A lot of mothers complain about tender nipples that make breast feeding painful and frustrating. There is good news though, as most mothers don’t suffer that long. The nipples will toughen up quickly and render breast feeding virtually painless. Improperly positioned babies or babies that suck really hard can make the breasts extremely sore. Below, are some ways…

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Womens Issues

Causes For Cervicitis

Cervicitis is the most common gynecological disorder found among women irrespective of the age factor. Any women who has one sexual encounter and has experienced abdominal pain or any unusual vaginal discharge could be affected with it. Cervicitis does not yield to self diagnosis because its symptoms can lead to confusion of other ailments such as vaginitis. If cervicitis is…

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Dealing With Infections

Once a tooth has been extracted, bacteria will still be alive in the mouth, even more so with those who have bad oral hygiene. Infections are very common following extractions. Depending on how bad the tooth was that the dentist removed, he may prescribe you some antibiotics to take that will greatly reduce your risk of getting an infection. In…

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Dog Grooming Caring For The Ears

Dogs ears are prone to infection as you might already have noticed if you have a dog with problem ears. If your dog keeps getting infections here is some information that might help you deal with chronic ear infections. Dog ear infections are usually called Otits Externa; this means an infection in the outer ear. (Otis Interna means an infection…

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Home Improvement

Getting Rid Of Pigeons Is Necessary For Healthy Living

Pigeons have lived together with human beings for thousands of years. Some pigeons carried posts to help our ancestors and most of them dropped diseases for us to suffer. Human diseases and health risks associated with pigeon droppings are Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis. Histoplasmosis, an infection caused by a fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, may cause high fever, blood abnormality, pneumonia and…

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Health Fitness

The War Against Drug Resistant Bacteria Rages On

Finally, after years of warnings from health authorities of the growing hazard posed by drug-resistant bacteria, people are now listening. A deadly strain of antibiotic-resistant bacteria seems to be responsible in the death of more people every year, according to a study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association. An estimated 19,000 deaths in 2005 appeared…

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Catheter Is It Really Necessary

Many people’s worst nightmare is the day when they revert back to infancy in the ability to control their bodily functions namely defecating and urinating. The market for products that are designed to make life easier to live with incontinence of bowel or bladder is large and here to stay. This includes products like depends adult diapers and urinary catheter…

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Disease Illness

Knowing Sinusitis And How To Deal With It

Sinusitis to our knowledge is very common for most people. Even though being such a common problem it tends to cause too much trouble. There are three types of sinusitis which affects our life Acute, Subacute and Chronic. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus membrane which can either be infectious or non-infectious. Sinusitis means that sinuses get affected due…

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