Weight Loss

Diet Pills Are They Magic Or Just A Placebo

With today’s corporate marketing firms, specialized nutrition companies are really selling the powerful weight loss elements that their newest product contains. But what is true and what is false? And does there really exist a magical weight loss pill. The answer may surprise you. For the past 10 years or so, I’ve taken all sorts of diet pills and “systems”…

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Weight Loss

What Is The Atkins Diet

The Atkins weight loss diet is based on one simple principle: Your body burns both carbohydrates and fat for calories. If you reduce the amounts of carbohydrates available, it will burn more fat and you will lose weight. According to Atkins, calories are unimportant. The key to losing weight is to restrict the carbohydrates that you eat and force the…

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Weight Loss

A Few Simple Tips To Lose Weight

Weight loss is a tough result to obtain regardless of weight or level of physical fitness. There are many different ways to lose weight, some more unhealthy than others, but the ones that work are most times the most complicated to pull off. Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some cases eating less is a…

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Weight Loss

8 Mistakes I Made While Trying To Lose Weight

I went on my first diet around five years ago. Over the past four and a half years my weight went up and down as I tried every diet and exercise program under the sun. Nothing seemed to work for me. Until six months ago I enrolled in a weight workshop which taught me that I need to change the…

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Health Fitness

Control Your Cravings

How do I overcome urges to eat? To answer this question, we first need to understand why we eat in the first place. It’s probably safe to say, you likely already know the answers to that question. We eat for energy. We eat to stay alive. We eat to nourish our bodies. And, we eat to preserve our health. There…

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Food Beverage

What Is Organic Food And Should I Buy It

Organic food is the food derived from animals and plants that have been grown and raised in accordance with the strict guidelines associated with government’s definition of the term, “organic.” In order to be certified as an organic food, food must be grown without the use of products such as manufactured fertilizers, synthetic or man-made pesticides, additives that control or…

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Health Fitness

Death By Starvation Complications Of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders plague society more and more every year. According to a recent study by the National Institute for Mental Health, between five to ten million American girls and women, and one million men are suffering from eating disorders. Eating disorders Most eating disorders root from an extreme fear of becoming fat or being thought of as fat. These feelings…

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How To Get Your Toddler To Eat Well

Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. Not a parent exists that hasn’t worried about their toddlers eating habits at one time or another. Some worry their toddlers aren’t eating enough, others worry that their toddlers are eating too much, and still others worry that their toddlers aren’t eating a wide enough variety of different foods. The good news is that if…

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Learning From Losers

On occasion, I have the opportunity to interview adults who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Their stories are a great reminder that it is possible to maintain a healthy weight by eating right and getting physical activity every day, no matter what. My findings were similar to those of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR),…

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Health Fitness

Don T Undermine Your Diet

Let’s start this article off right. You are not ‘going on a diet’. Our concept of ‘a diet’ implies a temporary change that will work miracles – if we’re only strong enough to stick to it. That way of thinking is encouraged by decades of ‘fad diets’ that promised us quick, low-effort weight loss, if we just ate this one…

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