Anger Management

Effective Anger Management Help

It may be difficult for an individual, no matter what age, to admit they need help in controlling their problem with anger. However this is the initial step to treatment and learning how to control these emotions. Effective anger management help is assistance in discovering methods or strategies for managing anger problems or if fortunate enough, eliminating them all together.…

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Self Improvement

Controlling Anger

All of us get angry. Some of us get angry very often. Some are able to control the anger. Some of us express our anger freely, whereas some suppress it. Why do we get angry? Is there any way to control the anger? How to do that? We get angry when we are stopped doing something. Or when we don’t…

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Teenage Anger Parenting Tips

I am commonly asked questions like “Why is my teenager always angry with me?” Parents DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Teenagers are generally not angry with you they are just plain angry. This anger can vary from resentment right through to actual rage. What you are seeing is not the anger itself but a behavior. The emotion is the anger,…

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Time Management

Personal Development Happiness Tools Anger Release

Personal Development and Happiness: Releasing Anger In personal development, one of the main goals is to achieve happiness. What often stands in the way are “negative” emotions that linger on. Most people have some of these emotions, either repressed or lasting with no outlet. Some are low level, some are strong. Recognising that you have this sadness or anger bottled…

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Time Management

Anger Management Hypnotism

Anger is one of the most intense of all emotions. It could be described as a strong negative feeling usually caused by our bodily responses to a certain condition. It arises as we are affected by what is presented to us. Anger is usually manifested and expressed in different ways. Reasons for experiencing anger are unique and diverse. You may…

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Depressed Wise Woman Ways Offer A Helping Hand

Winter time is depression time for many women. Perhaps it is harder to look at the bright side when days are short, perhaps the holidays and family demands take their toll on us. Of course, depression can also be triggered by lack of thyroid hormone and by use of steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT. But most often the…

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Time Management

Control Your Thoughts Manage Your Anger Easily

Having to prove your point on something and wanting to be heard we sometimes feel there is a need to shout. This alternative of shouting or being in the state of anger will make other people feel bad too. Sometimes when there is a feeling that other people is staring at you, your temper goes out of control making you…

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Anger Management

What Are Some Anger Management Techniques

Having trouble controlling anger is a major issue in many individual’s lives. Addressing this issue can be difficult if the person is unwilling to admit to their problem and seek help. It is imperative that people be supportive and encouraging to those with anger issues. At times it may seem impossible since these people can be hurtful and even violent.…

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Forgive For Less Marital Anger

Stacy’s partner of twelve years does not come home one evening and she knew he was with a former lover. He begged for another chance with Stacy, but her pride and anger held her back. Stacy said she would feel like a fool if she forgave him, even though she still loved him. Stacy didn’t end the relationship, but reminds…

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Book Reviews

Amapola Book Review

Alan Heywood writes a stimulating, though sometimes improbable, adventure novel in Amapola. What I mean by this is that the characters are seemingly very lucky or were simply at the right place, at the right time. Yet, other scenes are somewhat reminiscent of a James Bond movie. I liked the humor Alan dabbled throughout the novel and admired the strong…

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