Goal Setting

What Is Your Challenge

Welcome another year! Why do most New Year’s Resolutions fail? By now, many New Years resolutions would be thrown out, forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year. Why do they fail? Perhaps, because theseBy now, many New Years resolutions would be thrown out, forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year. Diet? Lose weight? Cut down on the use…

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Three Houston Schools In Trouble Public Upset Over Possible Closings

Three Houston schools have been persistently rated as unsatisfactory by state guidelines for three or more years. As with most school closing warnings across the nation, the parents, community, and elected officials with a political stake in the area are up in arms over the possibility. Though parents want their children to attend schools within their own neighborhood, I believe…

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Arts Entertainment

The Modern And Traditional Anniversary Gift List

People have celebrated wedding anniversaries since antiquity, each culture having its own set of practices covering what presents have been exchanged. Over the years certain gifts have been set aside for specific years, creating a traditional anniversary gift list. The traditional anniversary gift list was created at a point in time when people had less starting out in wedded bliss,…

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Web Hosting

Diversification Among Asset Classes

There has been a great deal of press in recent years given to portfolio diversification, in particular to the use of hedge funds as a means of alternative investment strategy. Many times these funds are referred to as vehicles to use for diversification, because they are not linked to traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds. However, on a closer…

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Trucks Suvs

Pickup Sales Falling There S A Good Reason Why

Pickups, for years, have been the best-selling vehicle in the United States. But recently released year-to-date sales are showing that overall, pickup truck sales have fallen this year. Sales for the Nissan Titan have dropped more than 9% this year. In September of 2006, more than 6,000 Titans were sold. This past September, sales barely beat the 5,000 mark. Chevrolet’s…

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Florida School Grades Confusing Issue For New Residents

School quality is always a concern for relocating parents. In a world where a good education is increasingly important, many parents even base their final decision about home choice on the reported quality of the schools in various neighborhoods. Here in Florida, the state’s A+ school reporting plan is supposed to give parents an easy way to compare schools with…

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