
Help For Children Who Are Depressed

Are you the parent of a child who is often depressed? Are you a child who often feels down in the dumps and depressed? This article offers advice for both parents, other family members and children about how to deal with, reduce and even eradicate this depression. I remember from my own childhood having many periods when I was very…

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Public Speaking

You Re Always Public Speaking So Be Prepared

The funny thing about presenting and public speaking is that the majority of people will tell you they don’t enjoy it and/or aren’t very good at it. And yet regardless of who they are and what they do, most of the speaking they do on a day-to-day basis IS public speaking. You see, mostly when we talk to ourselves we…

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Inappropriate Behavior As A Teachable Moment

Two boys in a first grade classroom were arguing loudly over an item they both wanted to use at the same time. Their teacher approached them in a friendly way and said, “Boys, it sounds like you two are having a problem. Let’s talk it out.” One of the boys told his side of the story, his face still tense…

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Shoo Away Your Shyness

Shyness is a very important issue, that nervousness that overcomes in certain social situations. It can be definite like having difficulty in creating a friendship or even starting a conversation with the one we meet. Shyness can start in someone’s personality from early childhood. A shy people may be viewed as overly serious, even humorless because for him it can…

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Common Sense Ways To Keep Kids Away From Street Drugs

Though recent studies show a significant decrease in illegal drug use among American youth, usage levels still remain high. In 2004 alone, 21.5 percent of eighth-graders, 39.8 percent of 10th-graders and 51.1 percent of 12th-graders reported using an illicit drug sometime during their lifetimes, according to the Monitoring the Future Survey conducted by the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social…

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Self Improvement

Eliminate The Stutterings

Some people lose confidence upon facing other people due to a speech problem known as stuttering. This is a severe condition in speech that experiences problems in fluency. Its symptoms include the person’s facial muscles becoming tensed as he or she tries to speak. This is very common to children who are just beginning to talk. Stuttering is a disfluency…

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Love Thoughts On Love

Love is the word that makes one go into dreams of bliss and the word that can take one into pain. It all depends, how your love turned out. If you were stabbed in the back, pain will be the result and if you got loyalty, it will be pleasure. When one looks at the scenes of destruction of ones…

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Recreation Sports

How To Take A Lesson And Get Better

Deciding to take some golf lessons is easy enough. Any medium-size city has at least a dozen qualified instructors. But how do you find the right teacher for the job? Lessons can cost $100 an hour, so it’s important that you make a good decision. Most people start with three criteria–cost, reputation and convenience. Those are considerations, but secondary ones.…

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Alternative Medicine

I Have A Migraine Headache

I’ve been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headeache. Do these people actually have migraines? What is a migraine, and are there ways to relieve them? These are some of the questions I will answer. The word “migraine” comes from the Greek word “hemikranion” which translates to “pain affectin one side of…

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