
Do You Understand Your Lover

This sounds a different kind of title – Do You Understand your Lover? Doesn’t everybody do? Sadly not many of us understand our partners fully. If we had understood our lovers, the rates of separations and divorces would have gone down substantially instead of increasing. You may ask- if I don’t understand my love than how are we so good…

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Communicating With Teens 7 Never Fail Secrets

Allow me to paint you a picture. You and your teen talk about issues and rules as they come up. While you have disagreements that you resolve, you never have fights where one person wins and the other loses. Sound impossible? I raised two kids that way and now I am going to share seven steps to lead you down…

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10 Tips For Loving In The Fast Lane

Do you ever feel like you catch up with your partner infrequently, often late at night when you’re too tired to speak? Or when your timetables happen to collide? There are work dinners, school outings, sporting practice, dinners with friends, homework to supervise, household chores and so the list goes on. Do you feel like you need to make a…

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Relax Observe Butterflies Day

May 15th is observed as butterfly day. It is not only for children, but elders must also observe this day. To relax. All of us are always tense. It is either work, or family and social commitments, or something else. It will be difficult to find an adult who is not tense. We are always under so much of stress…

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Home Family

The Art Of Getting Your Kids To Talk To You

Being a parent isn’t easy. Some days just getting everyone in your family all together at the same time for dinner can seem like the “impossible dream”. Between after school sports and clubs and working and errands and carpools, it’s not surprising that almost half of the parents in a recent survey said they feel a growing distance between themselves…

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What Should I Not Tell My Date About Myself

Yes, some things you shouldn’t tell the person you’re dating because it’s really not important! Some things are best left unsaid. You wouldn’t want to turn off the person you’re dating to the point they determine they’re really not interested in you after all! So, here are some tips that may assist you in not discussing certain topics with your…

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Time Management

Dealing With The Monsters From The Id 9 Techniques For Overcoming Panic Attacks By Communicating With The Unconscious Mind

“Monsters from the Id, John.” Dr. C.X. Ostrow clutched the arm of Commander John J. Adams in the 1955 science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” and stared at him feverishly. “Morbius was too close to the problem. He didn’t see that when the Krell machine gave the Conscious Mind a boost, it also boosted the Id that lies in the Unconscious.…

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Developing Leadership Qualities In Your Child

Often I have heard that leaders are born, not made. Do you think this is true? How many times did you read a biography of a great leader, and discovered that as a child, he has been quiet, reserved and rather shy? Are those natural qualities of a leader? Of course not! These people have developed their leadership qualities later…

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