
Acne Prevention Lifestyle And Diets

Lifestyle Is your lifestyle causing your acne? Certainly not. But the way you live affects your whole body, including its largest organ: the skin. The place you work, the hours you keep, the ways you play What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook…

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Americans Are Ranked 41st In Lifespans

In America, we take understandable pride in being Number One. We are, after all, the richest people on Earth. We have the largest military. We’re still the only country to have put a man on the moon. Why, then, are we only the 41st (yes, you read that right) longest living people on the planet? According to the latest report…

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Stress Management

How Do Stress Balls Work

Stress is an inescapable fact our lives and can manifest itself regardless of one’s age, gender, or lifestyle. It affects our rational thinking capabilities and prevents us from enjoying our natural disposition, which is to be happy. There are many stress relieving techniques that have evolved over time; these include yoga, aerobics, and even comedy clubs. These techniques, although effective,…

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Stress Management

Methods To Relieve Stess

Jane, a working mother, often feels tense. She feels she has too much to do. At the end of the day, she is drained and frazzled. She feels as if she is being pulled from all sides. Consequently, she cannot meet the demands of her job or her family. She gets irritated over insignificant things and has intense emotional outbursts.…

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Time Management

Stress Less Breathe More

I must start our by stating that I believe there is good stress and bad stress. As in most things in life, there are opposites: good and bad, yin and yang, light and dark…(you get the idea). Let’s start with the good kind and then work our way along the continuum. When you are put in a situation where you…

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Stress Management

Avoid Too Much Stress Help Yourself To Manage It

Stress is the manner on how your body react to some changes, may it be internal or external. It is also some elements from the nature which affects an individual. Because of the accumulation of stress in our lives, we usually treat stress negatively. However, stress can be both positive and negative. Almost 75 percent of the American population experiences…

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Health Fitness

An Easy Way To Soothe Stress

Hey,listen up. It’s time to relax, chill out, and release those pent-up physical, mental and emotional tensions. When dealing with everyday stress and the probability of stress build-up, NOW is always the right time to be proactive; to beat stress before it beats you. Think of stress as a silent enemy. It can sneak up on you at any time…

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Stress Management

How To Relax Fast

Why should you learn how to relax fast? Because stress is more than just unpleasant. It’s also dangerous. Many diseases are now known to be caused by or made worse by stress, but you can do something about it. Just try these relaxation techniques today, and use them whenever you feel that tension coming on. 1. Have a hot shower.…

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Stress Management

3 Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress

Often times stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate wholly on our today. So here are 3 stress busting tips – Stress…

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Stress Management

5 Great Tips To Handle Stress

Stress has always been a part of our lives. In this hectic time, people lead an increasingly stressful life. Experts state that a little stress can be good; it keeps you sharp and ready to move forward, and is sometimes vital for achieving optimum performance. However, medical research has determined that prolonged stress is very bad for the body, and…

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