Weight Loss

Oatmeal The Most Powerful Breakfast For Weight Loss

Did you know that simply eating breakfast raises your metabolism by 10 percent? Oatmeal is one of the most powerful breakfast foods of them all. If you are looking to get your body in great shape, you should incorporate this as a staple food in your diet. Oatmeal is the perfect meal to start your day because it boosts your…

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Self Improvement

Imaginary Friends A Problem Solving Technique

Why imaginary friends? Because they may be smarter than you real friends. Well, at least they may give you better, more creative solutions to your problems. If you are like most people, your thinking is often best when you’re interacting with a friend. You feed off of each other’s ideas and help each other to clarify things. But what about…

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Voices In Your Head

Doctor Julian Jaynes wrote about a woman who talked daily to her long-dead grandmother, who she saw sitting in a chair each morning. As far as the doctor could tell, the woman never suffered any ill effects from this. In fact, she readily accepted that it was a hallucination, which didn’t bother her at all. She just found the conversations,…

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Dominant By Day Submissive By Night

This is no more men’s world. In the fast changing business scenario, women are taking up leads in many businesses and they have successfully made their presence felt in corporate world. If you happen to be among other men working in private corporate houses owned and run by powerful businesswomen then perhaps you could imagine the dominant personality of these…

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Antenna Base Station Cb Antennas

Continuing with our research into the CB craze of the mid 70s we’ll take a look at what were considered the elite antennas when it came to having a CB setup. While the truckers may have ruled the roads and channel 19, it was the everyday hobbyist who ruled the airwaves from his home, and rule they did. If you…

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Web Hosting

Team Building Through Implied Discontent

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” – Steve Jobs, The question he asked to lure John Sculley to work for Apple The quote above asks a powerful question. When you are working to build a team you don’t just want bodies occupying seats…

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