
Backpack Blowers

Backpack blowers are more commonly used by professionals and are mostly powered by 2-stroke gasoline engines. The harness, which has a blower fit into it, is worn on the operator’s back. The engine and fan are also placed on the backpack frame with a hand-held hose and spout to direct the airflow. Backpack blowers are powerful, convenient and have larger,…

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Self Improvement

The Art Of The Subliminal Message The Power Of The Cia

It was as early as 1957 that we were first introduced to the power of subliminal programming. In a now infamous experiment, James Vicary, took an unsuspecting cinema audience and fed them subliminal messages on the screen that told them to buy popcorn and coke. Vicary said this lead to an increase in sales. Even though Vicary’s experiment was “unsubstantiated”,…

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