
The Power Of Vision In Coaching How To Create Your Own And Help Your Clients With Theirs

Having a strong, clear vision is the cornerstone of coaching success – both for coaches and their clients. A great coach must not only have a strong vision of their own; they must also be able to help their client or “PBC” (Person Being Coached) developing theirs.

The best visions are clear, useful, achievable and inseparable from who and what you (or your clients) are. As a coach, if you can master the skill of helping to create clear and authentic visions in yourself and others, you’ll be light years ahead of your competition. . It helps both you and your clients with the foundation upon which they can build a successful and satisfying life – both personally and professionally.


Without a clear vision of what you want to do, where you want to go, or what you, success will be much more difficult – even impossible – to achieve.. How can you know what to do – what actions to take – if you don’t know where you’re going?

Not having a vision is like sailing without a destination. You end up on the Sea of Destiny without a port, wandering the ocean aimlessly, getting blown in whatever direction the wind is headed. When a challenging storm bears down, the gale-force winds will likely capsize your latest plans immediately. You’ll end up looking like you were aboard the Ship of Fools.

Having a clear vision and mission is what gives you that destination. Even though gale-force challenges may temporarily capsize your progress, you’ll more easily be able to get back on course and reach your objectives.

Contrary to what many people think, visions do not usually magically appear. They can take time – requiring introspection, self-analysis, and journaling. It also helps to review your past successes and – just as important – your past disappointments and failures. Draw on your dream, talents and desire. Observe your calling to be a coach.

The first place to look when developing your vision is within – to that deeper inner self. You can draw upon your talent, dreams and desires, or whatever other avenues help you uncover those nuggets that will become your navigational beacons in life.

Unfortunately, there are usually no shortcuts in creating your vision. You can’t just “make it up”; it takes WORK. But the rewards for doing this work can save you years – even a lifetime – of frustration by enabling you and your clients to live the life one is destined for.


Idea 1: Listen and Look Within

Since vision starts within, it makes sense to listen and feel what your mind and soul really want. What stirs your heart? What is your greatest desire? What do you dream about?

Bottom line: Make sure your vision comes from within. If what you want to pursue does not truly come your inner depths, it will likely be impossible to achieve.

Idea 2: Seek the Help of Others; Make It a Team Sport

We do not live in a bubble. Utilize a team where you can. Heed the advice of a person who has more experiences in you – especially in coaching. Find a coach who works on vision. Seek help from friends who know you well. They can help you confirm or question your own observations and provide a reality check.

Creating a MasterMind Group of 4-6 people also working on their vision can be extremely powerful. Use weekly or semi-weekly calls to support each other and keep the momentum going.

Asking and using others for guidance not only helps you with your own vision; it also puts you on the receiving end of help. This experience will in turn help you when you become the coach helping others with their vision. You’ll have done the proverbial “walk in their shoes”.

Idea #2: Create a Sacred, Inner Space to Go Deeper

The vision you create for your practice begins in your mind and heart. It is something you can feel, taste, see, hear and touch with your soul.

Creating a supportive, inner environment is a powerful way to aid you in developing your vision. To access the inner depths of your mind and heart, find a way to retreat to a serene and tranquil place where your mind is free of the “outer noise”.

In this sacred space, your heart, mind, and soul can more easily access what might be called Source. What you can find there is your most Authentic Self. Tap into this successfully, and your vision is likely to spring forth easily.

Though your mind may resist with every fiber of its being, try surrender into this emptiness. Check your brain out at the door. A Zen master once said, “You already are that which you seek.” But you’ll find it much easier to uncover that if you are relaxed and can get your mind out of the way.

Step 3: Ask (the Right) Questions

Ask the questions that provoke and encourage answers to the deeper questions. These might include:

What’s your Reaction?
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