
The Role Of Nitric Oxide In Bodybuilding

Nitric Oxide, a key molecule manufacturered by the body, causes vasodilation (an expansion of the internal diameter of blood vessels), which in turn leads to increased blood flow, oxygen transport, delivery of nutrients to skeletal muscle and a reduction in blood pressure. An amino acid compound called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG) and arginine-ketoisocaproate (A-KIC) can boost short term Nitric Oxide levels.…

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Arm Exercise For Great Arms

The aim for beginners to weight training must be to lay the foundations for the intensive workouts that their bodies will eventually be subjected to. Obviously successful bodybuilding involves bringing together disparate elements such as nutrition and rest but choosing the right exercises is crucial. In this article we’ll outline the barbell exercises that will enable new bodybuilders to develop…

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Muscle Building

The Most Powerful Muscle Building Tool Available

The bodybuilding debates will never end. The endless arguments over how an effective muscle-building program should be structured will most likely continue until the end of time. Just scour the Internet message boards, flip through any muscle magazine or talk to the sales rep at your local supplement store. No matter who you talk to or what you read, it…

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Facial Lines And Wrinkles

Lines and furrows and wrinkles – clinically called rhytides – are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis. Genetic tendency, skin phototype, exposure to environmental conditions and lifestyle choices are some of the factors that can affect the degree…

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Health Fitness

When You Can Set Aside Side Effects

Pain relievers are considered by many athletes and physically active individuals as an essential tool for treating muscle pain induced by intense physical activities. These drugs help alleviate pain that are brought by strains, sprains, muscle spasms, and other muscle injuries. These conditions may result in pain, stiffness, and other muscle discomfort that may hamper one’s performance. Medicines for pain…

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What Supplements Do I Need For Muscle Growth

Taking certain nutritional supplements for muscle building is not absolutely necessary; you can do without them, however, some of them really do have their advantages. They can give you an added physical and mental edge. They help to enhance performance and can help in the muscle-building process. Although some are a waste of your time money and effort, there are…

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How To Stretch Your Way To Fitness

Not many things pay off for the body as much as stretching. Nothing could be simpler or take less time. Alas, most Americans neglect stretching as part of an every day fitness program. Stretching boosts muscle flexibility, which in turn leads to decreased likelihood of injury, better muscle performance, and a sense of well-being that lasts for hours after you’ve…

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Exercise Your Back Pain Away

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their life. The traditional treatment for low back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on tight muscles, provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the muscle imbalances. The muscles surrounding the spine provide stability and…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss Myths

Every regime has its supply of useless folk lore and half-truths that get passed on down the line from person to person. But I’d put weight loss up against any of them for what has to be the most time wasting and even the most dangerous myths out there. There is a ton of free advice seen in the media…

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