Womens Issues

Menopause And Insomnia

Insomnia is a very common symptom reported by numerous women at the onset of menopause. It is characterized by sleepless nights and often uncomfortable sleep such as tossing and turning in an effort to get comfortable. If you are primarily a mentally active person, it can become very difficult to calm the mind. You feel restless and irritable. Welcome to…

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Weight Loss

Eat Well And Lose Weight

Is your waistband tighter than you’d like? Have you finally decided to get down to a healthful weight and keep it there? Then it’s time to swear off fad diets for good. For decades, most nutrition professionals have told us over and over that weight depends on calories in and calories out. To achieve and maintain a healthful weight, in…

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Tips On Choosing Your Next Bottle Of Wine

Tonight’s the night. You’ve got that special dinner party with friends and you want it to be perfect. You’ve got the menu completed but the question is which wine will compliment the meal best? Here are some tips for choosing fine wine. Lighter foods need lighter wines while heartier foods need full bodied wines. For example, fish is light and…

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Food Beverage

A Cook S Guide To Quick Meals And Desserts

With cooking, creativity can be just as important as the ingredients. With our busy lives, we can all get in a rut sometimes when it comes to cooking. We want simple and quick meals that we’ve cooked hundreds of times – no surprises! We want our children to try new, healthier foods but aren’t willing to be creative and try…

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Health Fitness

Improve Digestion With Enzymes

Our digestive systems are certainly challenged this time of year. Those with impaired digestion must struggle with the desire to eat all the delicious holiday foods knowing the suffering that will follow. Even with a good digestive system, eating too much and too many different things at one meal can cause problems. A key nutrient that most everybody is lacking…

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Why Re Comfort Foods So Comforting

Picture it: you’ve just broken up. Eyes red from crying, you listen to “One is the Loneliest Number” on endless repeat; no matter what the season, every time you step outside it rains. In a daze, you stumble through your kitchen, and inexorably you are drawn to the freezer; to the third drawer down; to the ice cream. Of course…

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Fostering Healthy Eating Habits In Your Baby

If you’re concerned about your baby’s health, you want to be certain to start healthy eating habits early. The first year of solid foods is a very important time for establishing your child’s eating habits. What your child eats, and more importantly, does not eat, during this time can impact their habits for life. Here are some tips for starting…

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Health Fitness

Don T Obsess About Food

One of the dangers of dieting is the ‘diet mentality’. The constant need to weigh, measure, count and account for food that most dieters feel can become an obsession with food that comes close to that experienced by someone with an eating disorder. Is it possible to lose weight without becoming obsessed with food? Dr. David Katz, author of “The…

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Womens Issues

Menopause Relief

Menopause relief is possible through self care. Western doctors treat women in menopause like they have a disease. In truth, menopause is a transitional imbalance, a change that can be comforted with some study and experimentation. Peri-menopausal woman report experiencing symptoms including hot flashes, anger, urinary tract infections, irritability, hyperacidity, skin breakouts (acne), rashes, low sex drive, mood swings, and…

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Dietary Therapy High Fiber Diets

Can high-fiber diets really do all they claim to do? Studies have looked at the relationship between high-fiber diets and many diseases, including colon cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Proven benefits of a high-fiber diet include prevention and treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. In addition, certain types of fiber help decrease blood cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber comes from…

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