
A Guide To Alcohol And Drugs Influence At Workplace

In recent years, there are increasing numbers of people who turn up work under the influence of alcohol and drugs. According to a survey conducted by the Health and Safety Executive in 1994, 90% of personnel directors from top UK organisations stated that alcohol consumption was a problem for their organisation. 18% of large company directors reported illegal drug use…

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What Services Can A Private Detective Provide

You may be thinking that you know what a private detective does because you’ve seen them portrayed on TV and in the movies. You may think that the life of a private detective is interesting and action packed based on things that you’ve read in a wide variety of mystery novels. Unfortunately, in many cases the life of a private…

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Irs Helps Employers By Reducing Filings Required For Employees

If you own a business and have employees, you have an inherent feel for the joy of filing employee related tax documents. Alas, the IRS is cutting back on the burden. IRS Helps Employers By Reducing Filings Required For Employees Employees are critical to any business other than the smallest ones. That being said, the tax requirements for dealing with…

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What Is Public Employees Retirement System

The Public Employee Retirement System is for government employees except for teachers and students. This is a mandatory membership and all members should fill out a form of application at the beginning of their employment. It is a benefit plan that gives benefits to employees once they retire. This will be based on the number of years they rendered service…

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How To Increase Your Chance Of Promotion At Work

Job promotions are not something that happens all of a sudden. Getting promoted is not only about your growth but it is equally proportional to the benefits an organization expects you to deliver for them. In short to expect a promotion one has to prove his abilities and capability as an individual or in other words be an efficient employee.…

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Health Fitness

Work And Mental Problems A Potentially Dangerous Mix

Work is bad for a person’s mental health. Okay, that may not be necessarily true. However, there are certain situations and events in the workplace that can stress a person’s mental health. These events can get even worse when the employee in question is already suffering from some sort of mental illness. It is not entirely uncommon for people with…

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Reference Education

E Learning Effective Employee Training

Training is essential to any employee and provides not only a benefit to them but also to the company in increased productivity and employee job satisfaction. The high costs of travel combined with increasing strained budgets have meant that training can sometimes be the first thing to be cut when focusing on the bottom line. Companies are turning to a…

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Equity Theory And Employee Motivation

In business, the Equity Theory of employee motivation describes the relationship between how fairly an employee perceives he is treated and how hard he is motivated to work. Peter Drucker, an author who specialized in economics, first proposed the link between Equity Theory and employee motivation. The basic idea behind the Equity Theory is that workers, in an attempt to…

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Employee With Entrepreneur Mindsets

Although I am working as an employee, but I always try my best to adopt the entrepreneur mind set. It is important for an employee to think like an entrepreneur. This way, you program yourself to think out of the box. You will do more than an ordinary employee do. You will always do your best and be outstanding. Recently…

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