Web Hosting

Coaching The Undecided Employee

I set down at the computer and routinely write on a variety of subjects related to online business and team building. I also write on the wonder of becoming an entrepreneur and developing a home-based or on-line business. This may seem like contradictory advice and you would have every right to ask which side of the debate I am on.…

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What Is A Wage Garnishment

A wage garnishment is a legal procedure through which a percentage of a person’s earnings are withheld by an employer for the payment of a debt. Most wage garnishments are made by court order. Other types of wage garnishments are of legal or open procedures made by the IRS or state tax collection agency levies for unpaid taxes and federal…

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Site Promotion

Nurse Staffing Software Solution

Nursing Agency Backoffice Software is a Backoffice Software made to make your tasks easier and your operation more progressive and productive. * Eliminates data entry and possible for errors with complete, integrated front and back office functionality; * With a single point of entry, information will be designated orderly from sales activities, applicant tracking, job search and placement to managing…

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Turcbocharging Employees With 99 Octane Motivation

Keep them Euphoric: 5 more ways to turbocharge employees. These are five additional ways that you can successfully create an encouraging work environment while increasing employee. 1. Distinguish your employees. It is essential that you empathize with your employees. Know about their family; know about what they do after hours, what interests them. This is not meant to be prying…

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Web Hosting

Looking For The Best Business Opportunity

What’s the best business for you? Work for somebody or own your own company? There are many kinds of businesses that flood the market today aside from owning your own business, meaning you run and finance it, there are others which are also businesses in their own way. All of these are businesses and each has their own advantages and…

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Web Hosting

Adapting To The Office Culture

Being the new guy is bad enough, but adjusting to the new environment in the company is quite another topic. Studies have shown that this is one of the highest stress situations for a person to be in. To fight the high stress that can arise from starting a new job, a new employee needs to adapt. In order to…

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Problem Solving Corrective Action

Introduction This article introduces the problem-solving model as a technique for managing performance issues that are more controversial, or that are not effectively addressed through coaching or feedback. Issues such as tardiness, being out of uniform, continual poor performance, and others are best handled by a direct, objective approach. By following the Problem Solving Dialogue Model taught in this article,…

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Web Hosting

Coaching Employee Satisfaction

If you have an online business and you have grown to a place where you have employees other than family working for you there are some ways to increase the satisfaction level of your staff. Many of these ideas are simply common sense, but are mentioned as a means of reminding employers of the strength and ability each employee brings…

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