
Sids Sudden Infant Death Syndrome What You Need To Know

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a frightening fear for most mothers. SIDS is often referred to as crib death, and is the sudden death of an infant who stops breathing. It is rare, affecting less than 2 in 1000 infants in the US, but the fear of it plagues all new mothers. Who needs to be worried? SIDS was…

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Recreation Sports

Rebreather Diving

Information about 3 the great different of Rebreather systems. Azimuth Rebreather This is consider the the “state of the art” in diving systems for Nitrox breathing mixtures. Designed and constructed by OMG, most of 30 years of vast experience in the professional underwater rebreather technology. formerly known as the “Mares Azimuth”. This rebreather is a semi-closed design, with constant mass…

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Going With The Flow

Flow state, that mysterious mental zone where time and the outside world seem to disappear, is one of the keys to peak performance. Frankly, your ability to harness the limits of your intelligence, creativity, education, or talents will be largely determined by your capacity to remain in flow while under stress. Those who cannot suffer “stage fright,” “writer’s block” “flop…

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Kapalabhati A Breathing Exercise

Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the powerful breathing exercises which help the entire body. It is one of a…

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Time Management

How To Reduce Your Asthma With Yoga

Yoga has been a revelation for many people. They have found that they can improve the quality of their life with the power of yoga. Yoga combines both physical and mental activities, so it engages your whole body rather than just part of it. Some of the benefits of yoga include better breathing, easier relaxation and relief from the symptoms…

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Determining The Cause Of Snoring

Many things promise to cure it, but what exactly causes it? The cause of snoring varies from one individual to another, but there are several leading factors that are believed to behind this nighttime nuisance. Obesity is believed to be a leading cause of snoring. Many physicians, therefore, recommend a program of diet and exercise in an effort to not…

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The Relation Between Yoga And Tennis

The elasticity of the muscles is essential particularly for the player of tennis because it needs the cat-like reflexes with glares of the force. However it does not mean that you must stretch your muscles as an any manner that you want because inaccurate drawing can make your muscles tight and can lose elasticity. Thus, you must know what are…

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Croup An Infection Affecting The Young

Croup is an inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. It affects the voice box due to an infection of the vocal cord. In adults this disease is known as laryngitis. It obstructs the breathing which makes this disease severe. This condition should not be ignored, especially in infants as it may be very dangerous. The inflammation leads to stridor…

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Health Fitness

What You Should Know About Exercise Induced Asthma

Do you end up with wheezing, chough or other asthma symptoms after physical exertion? If so, you may be suffering from exercise induced asthma. In some people, asthma is triggered exclusively by exercise and not by allergens like pollen. How does exercise bring on this condition? Researchers point out to a number of contributing factors. One reason is that the…

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