Weight Loss

How Can You Lose Weight After Pregnancy

On average, a woman gains between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy. During and labor and immediately after delivery a new mother might shed 10 to 15 pounds of that. This leaves from 10 to 25 additional pounds of weight left on the new mom’s “new” body. It can be a source of great shock, disappointment, frustration, and despair…

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Weight Loss

The Obesity Solution Secret How To Eat To Lose Fat

I used to interview elite bodybuilders on their training and eating for a living and did this for years and years. One reoccurring theme that kept popping up when talk turned to diet/nutrition was how much food top bodybuilders packed away on a daily basis. These men taught their bodies how to handle continually greater amounts of calories without becoming…

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Reading Body Language

Body language is a discipline about non-verbal behavior, one of the most powerful, private and quite language because it helps you understand emotions and feelings of people around you. Body language is one of the most important languages to learn because after you know how to interpret the behavior of others you will know what they really think. Reading and…

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Acupressure Is More Than Just Massaging

Acupressure is one the oldest Chinese traditions used to cure many of our health problems. It involves use of pressure by your hand, elbow and other means. This form of healing has been in existence for more than 5,000 years. A technique recommended by many and has been used world over. It is a simple method if you know how…

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Yoga A Cure For Modern Day Stress

As we walk the tightrope between modern life and our animal instincts, the human race strives to find balance. In our bodies, our minds, our environment, in our lives. With our brains over-stimulated and our bodies more sedentary than ever, many of us suffer from the fatigue and imbalance that comes from chronic stress without sufficient recovery. A yoga practice…

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Need Power Try Core Power Yoga

Core power yoga is an energetic yoga exercise that physically and mentally challenges to help connect to inner power without stopping and accompanied by a heated, climate controlled Vinyasa. It heals, detoxifies and stimulates the body and mind through balance and intention. Power yoga has created a dynamic, challenging program that combines strength, sweat and spirituality. It recognizes power in…

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Health Fitness

Detox Diet 8 Benefits To Juice Fasting

There are many benefits to juicing, especially if you prepare them yourself: 1. If drank fresh, the juice is full of live enzymes, which is helpful the body. 2. Unlike coming out from a packet, the juice is fresh and not pasteurized. Pasteurization many have its conveniences but it has resulted in nutritionally dead foods. During pasteurization, high heat is…

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Health Fitness

6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children…

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Womens Issues

Two Opinions On Marilyn Monroe

Norman Mailer said of Marilyn Monroe: “Her stomach, untrammeled by girdles or sheaths, popped forward in a full woman’s belly, inelegant as hell, an avowal of a womb fairly salivating in seed – that belly which was never to have a child – and her breasts popped buds and burgeons of flesh over many a questing sweating moviegoer’s face. She…

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