Disease Illness

Pediculosis And Lice

Pediculosis, is the technical term for infestation of lice. Lice are parasitic insects that live on the bodies of humans. Often times this condition is known by its more common street names: Head/Pubic/Body lice. Some quick information: Children aged 3-10 and their families get Head lice more often Females are more likely to get head lice than males In the…

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Health Fitness

Best Known Ways To Quit Smoking

When you have finally come to see that your smoking habit has caused damage to your health, and wallet, and general well being, and you have decided that you would like to quit it is good to know that there are a lot of ways to quit smoking. Quitting smoking depends on many things. It can be fast, or slow,…

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Weight Loss

12 Things You Can Learn From A Two Year Old

If you ask any child about the adults around them, they’d probably say we’re a little wacky and seem to be stressed out a lot of the time. Here are a few simple things they can teach us… 1. Nap when you’re tired. 2. Eat when you’re hungry. 3. Don’t starve yourself, it makes you tired and cranky. Eat little…

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Car Body Parts

ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS & AUTO BODY PARTS, exterior car body parts and lights, truck body parts ,car exterior detailing and enhancement body parts, automotive accessories and products Owning a car is a very important aspect of many people’s lives. Most of them prefer to own cars that are incorporated with luxurious facilities. If you have a car…

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What Causes Acne

There is no exact cause for acne. There are several factors that doctors think bring on this problem for many people. One of those important factors is the hormone level in the body. The hormones are called androgens and increase in both boys and girls when they are going through puberty. This is the reason why there are so many…

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Yoga Pilates Basics

Pilates were invented by Joseph Pilate in the early 20th century. Yoga Pilates can prove to be of great help if all the necessary rules related to Pilates exercises is followed properly. Yoga Pilates is a regimen of exercise that can be equally beneficial and enjoyable. Very simply, Pilates is the contemporary part of the older Yoga movements. The number…

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Health Fitness

Factors Of Risk In Common Forms Of Gout

Gout is known to be a rheumatoid form of arthritis that causes inflammation, intense pain, discomfort and swelling of the affected regions. Gout mainly tends to affect the joints, especially those of the lower body limbs, such as toes, heels, ankles, knees. In some cases, gout may cause inflammation of the elbows and hand wrists. Skin and soft tissue such…

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Jnana Yoga Yoga For The Intelligent

Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga is…

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