Health Fitness

How Do I Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Not everyone is conscious about how and what they eat. Because of this, many people suffer from degenerative diseases, which are caused by bad lifestyle choices. Too much fat in food can cause the body’s cholesterol levels to rise. High cholesterol is the primary reason for heart diseases, being overweight and high blood pressure etc. Considering how serious the damage…

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The Role Of Nitric Oxide In Bodybuilding

Nitric Oxide, a key molecule manufacturered by the body, causes vasodilation (an expansion of the internal diameter of blood vessels), which in turn leads to increased blood flow, oxygen transport, delivery of nutrients to skeletal muscle and a reduction in blood pressure. An amino acid compound called arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG) and arginine-ketoisocaproate (A-KIC) can boost short term Nitric Oxide levels.…

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Health Fitness

The Pill And Its Side Effects

Ranking third on the top three most widely used contraceptive method for women is the oral contraceptive pill. Over one hundred and fifty million women all over the globe use it to be able to engage in casual sexual activities and avoid getting pregnant. Also called the birth control pill, this contraceptive prevents pregnancy by altering a woman’s hormonal level…

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Product Reviews

The Magic Of Weight Loss

“The ‘Magic’ of Weight Loss.” There are almost as many weight loss products at this point as there are stars in the heavens. But is that fast weight loss that they promise really guaranteed? Can these products live up to the promise of a healthy, fit body? In the US today, an estimated 50 million people try to lose weight…

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Why Should You Take Vitamin B

Vitamin B refers to the group of important vitamins that are essential for the body to release energy from fats, protein, and carbohydrates. These vitamins include: 1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) that is found in bread, pork, and whole bread. It helps with digestion, growth, and it keeps the nerves healthy. 2. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) which is very important for the…

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Time Management

Depression 9474 How Depression Hurts Your Heart

As if feeling bad weren’t enough, negative emotions could be harming your heart. Over time, persistent blues, anxiety or anger can increase the risk of heart disease What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook…

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Womens Issues

Problems During Urination Needs Attention

Women face painful urination mostly during pregnancy. This could be due to urinary tract infection, vaginal infection or other sexually transmitted disease. Painful urination is also called dysuria and if caused due to common reasons then it can be easily treated. The chances of urinary tract infection increases with increase in age and if a person is sexually active. If…

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Reaping Benefits From Viparita Karni Asana

Every yoga asana has been made with the intention of being useful to the different parts of your body. All the yoga asanas you would learn or must have heard about would be useful one way or the other. Viparita – would mean inverted, opposite karani would mean – in action, an act of doing. It is also known as…

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