
Understanding Military Reserve Forces

Although many people tend to get the two confused, there is a rather significant difference between a military reserve and a military reserve force – a military reserve is a group of personnel who are employed by the military, but who are not committed to engage in battle by their commanding officer. This way, they are able to move quickly…

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Why Do We Celebrate The 4th Of July

The 4th of July has been an important holiday but today, more and more people do not know why we actually celebrate this day. If you are not up to date on your history of the United States, July 4th, 1776 is the day that the colonies decided to declare themselves independent of Britain. By writing a very detailed decree,…

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The Uganda Scheme

Theodore Herzl, the visionary who founded Zionism, was an assimilated Jew, who did not consider Palestine the optimal choice for a resurgent Jewish nationalism. When the British offered to him a homeland in East Africa (today’s Uganda), he accepted and proposed it to the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basle in 1903. After bitter recriminations, the Congress decided (295 for, 178…

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Finally Secrets Behind Old Glory Revealed

If you are an American and grew up attending school in the United States, you were taught the lesson of how Betsy Ross sewed together the first American flag in 1776. But how many recall exactly what the stripes, the stars and the colors represent? Believe it or not, the colors red, white, and blue didn’t have any significance when…

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