
A Moment Of Truth About Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) is widely considered a Bolshevik author, closely allied with the likes of Lenin and Stalin. But this is far from the truth. Gorky’s real name was Alexei Maximovich Peshkov. He chose the pseudonym “Gorky” – “bitter” in Russian – to describe his early experiences from the age of eight as a menial worker. In his late teens…

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The Building Of The Pentagon

The Pentagon was completed in 16 months. It was built on a swamp and on the area of the old Washington airport. Trucks hauled some 5.5 million cubic yards (4.2 million cubic meters) of junk and soil and dumped it in the marshes. The building’s foundation rests on 41,492 concrete piles. The purchase of land cost $2.25 million (in 1943…

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Are You On The No Fly List What You Can Do

Each day, millions of Americas board an airplane. Although many of those individuals do not have a problem, others do. One of those problems may involve the no-fly list. While the no-fly list was designed to make air travel safer, there are some instances when the wrong individuals have been targeted. These mistakes often include mistaken identities or misspelled names.…

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Labor Day History For Kids

Of all the things our teachers teach our children, they do not often touch on the idea of Labor Day history for kids. How much do our children know about this important holiday? If anything, they only know that it is a holiday for workers, but that is the extent of it in most cases. The designation of Labor Day…

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Tony Blair Turkey Eu And Cyprus

The stalling of US and UK ambitions for Turkey to become a member of the EU during December 2006 has presented a challenge for Tony Blair during his sunset period as British Prime Minister. Turkey is a longstanding member of NATO, and was actively supported by successive US administrations during the Cold War with the USSR, due to its strategic…

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Sityodtong Muay Thai Legacy

Kru Yodtong Senanan’s place in Muay Thai history is legendary. That’s why just two Muay Thai academies in the United States qualify as recognized affiliates of the Thailand camp that bears his name. The significance of Muay Thai’s Kru Yodtong Senanan’s recent U.S. visit may have been lost to those unfamiliar with his celebrated contributions to the ancient art. But…

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How The Chinese Communist Party Exerts And Maintains Control

The Chinese government is currently a one party system ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. There will never be another party in control under the current system. The people have no options for a governing body. Having one choice is having no choice. When a single group controls the executive, judicial and legislative branches of a government, there are no…

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Why Democrats Should Fund The War

Democrats will be making a profound mistake if they follow through on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s insistence that the party will refuse to provide any funding for the war in Iraq, absent some benchmarks for withdrawal of our troops at least by September 2008. To be sure, as everyone knows, the American people quite strongly support the notion of…

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The New Hampshire Debate Recap Of A Fear Mongering Feast

The scene of this terrible accident — Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H. [The third GOP presidential debate — Tuesday, 5 2007]. My friend Paul Reyes likened them to a “convention of morticians,” in their last debate. Mark Mellman, a pollster says these candidates make the Republican party look like “a front for the Flat Earth Society.” I equate them…

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