
You Just Might Be A Liberal

Like a duck who doesn’t know he’s wet, some reasonably bright people have no idea that they are knee-jerk liberals. Now there is a blog – You Just Might be a Liberal — to help them decide. There are a number of helpful tips which can help you reveal your true political colors. For example, “If you spend more time…

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Facts And Figures About The Presidents Of The Usa

The first president of the united States was not George Washington. Washington was the first president under the Constitution of June 21, 1788, ratified by 1790. The first constitution of the USA was titled “Articles of Confederation” and was in force between 1781 and 1788. It created a single house of Congress and no executive – but for one year…

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Myths Of The American Civil War

The Civil War (1861-5) has spawned numerous myths and falsities. The Republicans did not intend to abolish slavery – just to “contain” it, i.e., limit it to the 15 states where it had already existed. Most of the Democrats accepted this solution. This led to a schism in the Democratic party. The “fire eaters” left it and established their own…

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Chavez S Inspiration Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) is a Latin American folk hero, revered for having been a revolutionary freedom fighter, a compassionate egalitarian and a successful politician. He is credited with the liberation from Spanish colonial yoke of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, a country named after him. Venezuela’s new strongman, Hugo Chavez, renamed his country The Bolivarian republic of Venezuela to…

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History Of Melayu

I was interested to find out more about the Malays. I pose myself this question always. “Where do I come from? or what is my calling in life”. Only when you know your past and take a closer look at the events of the past call history we may find the answers It’s intriguing after hours of reading and research…

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The Fountain Of Hooey Ponce De Leon In Florida

It probably won’t come as a surprise to too many people nowadays that the Spanish Conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon was not, in fact, really looking for a genuine fountain of youth on his explorations in Florida. This myth was most likely born in the 1560’s after Ponce’s death. The grain of truth that supposedly sits at the center of…

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Drug Rehab Views Afghanistan S Opium Poppy Industry Is Blooming

The worldwide illicit drugs business is by far the most profitable illicit global trade, says the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), earning some $320 billion annually. Compared to this, human trafficking at $32 billion and illegal firearms at $1 billion are a drop in the bucket. Afghanistan, producing 92% of the world’s illegal opium from its miles…

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Dr Walter Freeman S Frontal Lobotomies At Athens Ohio State Hospital

Few chapters in the medical history of Athens County, Ohio, are more notorious or fascinating than that concerning Walter Freeman, M.D., and the more than 200 frontal lobotomies he performed at the Athens State Hospital in seven visits between 1953 and 1957. Until the middle of the twentieth century, treatment for most inpatients in large state hospitals, like that in…

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The Aung San Family In Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi is a much revered opposition leader in Myanmar (Burma) (born 1945). She has bravely resisted – and still does – the murderous military regime in her homeland and has won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize. Her mother was ambassador to India in the 1960s. She is cherished by all her countrymen. Moreover, Aung San Suu Kyi…

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