Health Fitness

Vision Loss Keep An Eye On It

Probably the eyes are the most noticeable part of the face in any human being. The eyes are said to be the “windows to our soul.” It is obvious how valuable our eyes are in everyday life. Our eyes are invaluable assets that must be used every single day at home and at work. They start to work from the moment we wake up — to the time we close them to go to sleep.

The stresses of our jobs and even duties at home can also put a strain on our visual system. The use of glasses and contact lenses and the natural wear and tear that comes with the aging process can leave our eyes red and tired. It is true that our eyes are among the most neglected organs in our body.

True enough, our eyes are the most used “appliance” in our working body, and as such, they also suffer the most. Headaches related to eye fatigue are also common among people who work long hours reading or working in front of the computer. Excessive watching of television is also a leading cause of eye strain and other vision-related problems. Those who overwork their eyes often suffer from visual migraines.

Since the eyes are such integral part of our existence, proper care is needed to protect them. Having an annual eye exam is specifically recommended to prevent any eye diseases. In addition, many eye diseases start in childhood, so it is important for children to receive proper eye care treatment from the time they are still infants.

According to research, there is a continuous case of vision loss in the world today, but half of all blindness can be protected. The goal of an annual exam is to minimize the adverse effects on the eye and the vision to prevent it from getting worse. But there are certain signs that can detect if you are suffering from vision loss, check out below if you have any of these:

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