Health Fitness

The Lucky Croupier

The pretty young croupier looked up at her aged visitant and assisted him. The expensive casino only offered best service the more perceptive customer, which is why she enjoyed her job. She would like to get an elderly friend – after all if Anna Nicole Smith could dealt with that aim, why not she? Though she was resolute to get…

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When the verdict was read my client smiled broadly and rapidly turned toward me and shook my hand vigorously and patted my shoulder at the same time. His quickness of movement surprised me and as I stared into his smiling eyes and I saw no relief, only gladness. He again reacted when he saw my look and darted his eyes…

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Contacts Guide How To Use Crazy Contact Lenses

Occasionally we all like to get weird and practice the ‘shock and awe’ on our near and dear ones. Remember the days when as a child you would get behind the curtain and wait for mom to walk by, and the moment she did you would spring out, you shriek loud and your palm turned into claws with your fingers…

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Getting Perfect Eyebrows

Your eyes are the important assets you have. Taking care of these is as much important as much you can. It is equally important to make your eyes and face beautiful in such a manner so that when some person makes eye contact with you, he / she must say; Wow! What are the eyes? This would be possible only…

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Goal Setting

Alvin Donovan Managing Goals By Alvin Donovan

Alvin Donovan has presented seminars in many different countries and this has given him the opportunity to meet and interview some of the most successful people in the world. What Alvin Donovan has discovered is that they all manage their goals to make themselves more successful than the rest. They are strategies you can use easily and naturally to begin…

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Sight Saving Tips For Viewing Fireworks

Fireworks displays are one of the most recognizable symbols of Independence Day. But there are risks, warns Lions Clubs International, a worldwide service organization dedicated to the conservation of sight. Each year, thousands of people across the country suffer serious eye injuries because of fireworks, and nearly three-quarters of those injuries occur around the July Fourth holiday. About 2,000 eye…

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Health Fitness

Vision Loss Keep An Eye On It

Probably the eyes are the most noticeable part of the face in any human being. The eyes are said to be the “windows to our soul.” It is obvious how valuable our eyes are in everyday life. Our eyes are invaluable assets that must be used every single day at home and at work. They start to work from the…

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Contact Lenses

Acuvue Advance Contacts

Just like any other contact lens from Acuvue, the Acuvue advance contact lenses offer you plenty of quality and reliability. They are a cut above the rest, offering you excellent quality and comfort for a very affordable price. The first thing you’ll notice about the Acuvue advance lenses is the addition of Hydroclear, made by Johnson and Johnson. Although other…

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Advantages Of Contact Lenses Over Glasses

The functional advantages of contact lenses over glasses can be felt in areas like sports, working in humid conditions and also in occupations where glasses can be very inconvenient and may not be compatible when using equipment like special headgears. Contact lenses also offer aesthetic advantages as they do not alter the image of the person wearing it. When contact…

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Best Find Motorcycle Eyewear

Motorcycle apparel is crucial to keep you safe and to minimize risks and injuries. Motorcycle eyewear, for one, is important to keep our eyes from harmful elements like glare, dust and smoke. With motorcycle eyewear, hazardous elements are precluded from freely penetrating our eyes. Best find motorcycle eyewear have some things in common. First, they have UV protection that protects…

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