
Refinancing Your Mortgage After Bankruptcy

It is a general conception that getting a refinance loan after filing a bankruptcy is quite difficult. But you can avail a home loan provided you pay the interest at a slightly higher rate. Generally, lenders do not prefer taking the risk of offering mortgages to someone who has filed bankruptcy. But there are the subprime lenders who can offer…

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So Where Is There Fast Money To Be Made

Fast money is the name of the game in this fast paced society that thrives on instant gratification. If you have to work hard for something and then don’t get it right away either, well that is just lame. So gone are the days of having the same job for 30 years and slowly building your fortune in strong solid…

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Real Estate

Renting Making Other People Rich

Many renters say they prefer to rent because it is simple and doesn’t carry the stress of home ownership. In truth, they are simply making other people rich. Equity What if I told you that if you purchased a home, you wouldn’t have to make any monthly payments on it? On top of this, I’d promise you that when the…

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Trucks Suvs

Buying The Best Luxury Car For Your Money

If you are thinking about buying the best luxury car your money can buy, the first question is how much money you are going to spend. When we talk about luxury cars, prices can range from the mid-30 thousands and up. Luxury cars can be classed into different levels: entry, mid, high, and ultra level luxury cars. Each level is…

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Do Golf Lessons Really Help

For many years I would go to Phoenix Arizona between Christmas and New Years to visit some relatives and friends. Every year my friend Ray and I would play golf at least 3 times during my stay and every year it would be a contest to see who won the most games. Over the years, I think we were about…

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Food Beverage

Distillation From Fruit

There is practically no variety of fruit that cannot be enjoyed in alcoholic form, from cactus fruits from the desert or berries from the Arctic. But not all varieties of fruit are equally suitable for producing spirits. It depends greatly on the fruit’s sugar content. Eau-De-Vie This term is French for “water of life,” and includes a wide range of…

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Disease Illness

What Exactly Is Psoriasis

Hardly noticeable at the beginning, the rash first appears on your knees, elbows or on the hairy side of the skull, as small reddish scales. Then it transforms into large spots, covered by silver scales. Later in the process the rash extends on other skin surfaces, turning your body into a cubic picture and you life in a nightmare. Most…

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Stock Market

An Analysis Of Overstock Com Ostk

Why is a value investor writing about an unprofitable internet company? Because value investing is about finding dollars that trade for fifty cents; with a market cap of less than 75% of sales, (OSTK) looks like it may be exactly that. But isn’t it too risky? The greatest risk in any investment is the risk of overpaying. So, the…

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Lifelong Depression

I have suffered from depression for as long as I can remember. My earliest childhood memories are tainted with the ominous presence of my illness despite growing up in a very loving home with two kinds and nurturing parents. After a divorce in my early thirties, I found myself unable to cope with the feelings of sadness that had permeated…

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