Time Management

Determine Your Priorities To Maximize Time Use

What you may consider a priority might not be to another person. Conversely, other people’s priorities might not be a priority to you. It doesn’t mean though that you can’t have similar priorities. What are the most common priorities of the majority of people? Here is a list of the most chosen priorities most people pursue, with a suggestion or…

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How Wealth Tax Is Better Than Income Tax

Wealth Tax Do you want to move money from the wealthy to the poor? Well, tax wealth. Wealth tax causes far less market distortion, and hence, much fairer than income tax. Wealth tax hurt productivity less. If you live in a capitalistic country, then your income is yours fairly. However, Bob’s wealth might not be traceable to productivity. Bob might…

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Wealth Building

Winning The Money Struggle

Each day it seems harder and harder to stay ahead of the bills. With higher inflation, increased gas prices, credit card rates going up, and so on and so on, what’s a body to do? For sure, doing the same old thing will not get you ahead. Perhaps a higher paying job will do the trick. Maybe you’ll be written…

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Stock Market

Wealth Is Made By Focusing In Stocks

STOP. STOP trying to create the perfect trading system. There isn’t one. Phew..what a relief. Stop spending all those hours creating more and more trading rules and realize this: Money creation in the stock market is made from CONCENTRATION. That’s right. Trading the very best stocks atthe right time with enough capital to make a big difference. You must go…

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