Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing With Postcards

On-Line Marketing Strategies These days an internet marketing strategy plays a vital role in the overall marketing plan of any small business. Getting your website viewed is important for any size business – large or small. Remember: You can’t put up a terrific web site on-line and “hope” that people will just arrive. You have to let your prospects know,…

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Web Design

5 Surefire Ways To Ruin Any Website

Owning a website gives you certain rights. For example, you have the right to plaster your URL all over the doors and windows of your SUV in hopes that someone in one of the 7 cars you pass on the way to work will get the urge to visit your website and spend gobs of money. You own the website-this…

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Traffic Generation

Good Keywords More Than Good Demand

I get half of the world traffic for the term “dirtbagging,” on one page of my backpacking site, but that only means ten visitors a month. Without decent keyword demand you can’t ever get much traffic. Total demand is just one factor to consider, though. Here are some others. 1. Demand/supply ratio. There were 289,000 searches for “fishing” last month,…

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Article Marketing

Three Traffic Tactics That Won T Cost You A Cent

Are you constantly banging your head in frustration on not receiving all the internet traffic you would like to get to your web site? Are you tormented from information overload listening to all the latest free website traffic tactics and not being able to understand any of it? Are you dejected of people trying day and night to harassing you…

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