
What Innovation Can Do To Your Life

It’s a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don’t. The power of innovation. If you’ve ever marvelled at somebody’s creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those who possessed potential; because the truth is, everybody has potential.…

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The Path To Happiness

Happiness is something that so many people strive for each day and yet many times it eludes them. Often, they feel that happiness can be theirs if only their situations were different. Have you ever felt like that? So often we get caught up in what I call the “if only’s”. If only my husband were nicer to me. If…

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Acknowledging Your Emotion Why Is It Important

A couple of days ago, my seven year-old daughter performed in a dance concert. It was her first public performance and we were all very proud of her. She was very excited about it. We know how much she loves to dance. Her routine was the first performance and we all thought she did rather well and were happy for…

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Time Management

The Skinny On The Secret

Produced by Prime Time Productions, The Secret is a feature length film showcasing the tenets of the New Thought movement via a number of interconnected vignettes focusing on “The Law of Attraction.” Acted tidbits of drama intermingle with sit-down interviews to drive home the points made in the film. Although originally billed as a self-help aid, The Secret soon began…

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How To Get Your Child To Think For Themselves

Do you find that you are continually telling your children what to do? Brush your teeth, put your plate away, make your bed, don’t forget your hat, put on your shoes…sometimes the list feels endless. I don’t know what it is about putting on shoes but I used to have battles with both my children to put their shoes on.…

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Exploring Criminology Lesson Plans

In order for anyone to get a degree in Criminology, it is important that they pass a series of tests that have been standardized and mandated by the specific college which the student attends or in which the student partakes. In order to ensure that men and women struggling to receive a criminology degree know the important basics of criminology…

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Self Improvement

Personal Development Tips For Manifestation

If you have studied personal development or self improvement for a while then you will be aware that that your thoughts are things – real tangible things. In fact they are the most powerful things in existence because they influence everything that occurs in your life? In fact the very world that we now live in is the sum total…

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How To Run Your Own Professional Horse Racing Tipster Service

For those of you who have ever joined a horse racing tipster service and been disappointed with the results, you’ve probably thought, “I could do better myself”. Well you may be right! If you have continued that thought process, you may have considered starting your own horse racing tipster service, but have been held back by not knowing how to…

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