Health Fitness

South Beach Diet And Alcohol Combination

The South Beach Diet continues to create its own name in many parts of the world. Along with its rapid widespread, many issues surrounding the relationship between the South Beach Diet and alcohol came to surface. With this fact, the number of studies concerning the South Beach Diet and alcohol increases and as such, still many unanswered questions are left.…

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Food Beverage

Reading Food Lables Buyer Beware

As you stroll up and down the isles at the supermarket filling your grocery cart, you are armed with everything you need to make sure you choose your items wisely. Making good, healthy choices is the very reason you carefully put together your shopping list the night before. Now, you know that most of the snack food items are taboo…

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The Glycemic Index What You Should Know About It

As of late, there has been much mention about the glycemic index. People everywhere talk about it and food advertisements use it liberally to promote certain products. But just what is this glycemic index and what does it mean for you? Why is it that people are resorting to it as a means of weight loss and overall healthy eating…

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Diabetes And The Menopause

You might be thinking “What’s the connection between diabetes and the menopause?” Well, for ladies reaching that certain age, it can be very traumatic – especially when some of the effects experienced can easily be mistaken for those we have to be aware of when managing our diabetes… For a diabetic taking medication, keeping blood sugars at the right level…

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Other Beneficial Foods For Diabetic Patients

1. Almond: The use of almond, after its oil has been extracted, is considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It does not contain any starch. 2. Banana: Bananas are believed to the useful in controlling diabetes. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, “Banana and Skimmed milk furnish a simple and effective method for weight reduction in treating…

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Health Fitness

Controlling Type Ii Diabetes Through Diet And Exercise

If you have been diagnosed with adult onset type II Diabetes, you may be able to control your condition through diet and exercise. Many people have genetic predispositions for adult onset diabetes, but the disease is usually brought on by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. It can be hard to reverse the damage caused by years of unhealthy living,…

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Health Fitness

3 Blunders To Avoid On Your Weight Loss Journey

There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns. 1) Eating more…

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The Truth About Diabetes

What if you are diagnosed with diabetes? Are you going to stay indoors and just inject yourself with insulin everyday? Maybe you need to understand the facts about diabetes and accept it wholeheartedly so that it can’t be a heavy burden in your part. Let us start from defining what diabetes really is and the probable causes that brings this…

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Information About Chromium Supplments

Chromium supplements An essential trace mineral, chromium is needed for the growth and health of the body. Among other things, it is needed for the breakdown of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Chromium has become the most popular mineral supplement in America, after calcium. It is also one of the most controversial. Chromium offers a mixed bag of good and bad…

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