Disease Illness

Is There Going To Be An Asian Flu Pandemic

The last Asian flu pandemic occurred in 1957. It is estimated that between 1 million people and 4 million people were killed by the virus. Fast forward to October 2004 when an American lab sent out stored samples of the deadly strain of Asian flu to different labs all over the world. By some kind of administrative error some 3,700…

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Health Fitness

Sprain Or Strain

It was the crucial last 3 seconds of the game. The player holding the ball was likely to dunk anything that crosses his path through the hoop. As he rampaged forward to make that much needed lay-up, a bigger player blocked him in mid-air and sent the ball flying in a different direction while both players landed on each other,…

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Massage Therapy And Repetitive Strain Injuries

There is no question that conservative therapy is the best option for those suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury. From Trigger Finger to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, conservative therapy produces the best results, limited side effects (if any), quicker results and long-lasting relief. There are many types of conservative treatments that provide a variety of positive benefits to the user. Massage…

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Trigger Finger Is It Really All That Common

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most widely recognized form of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), but Trigger Finger is catching up fast, becoming all too common among society and affecting the youth and elderly in ever-increasing numbers. If the rising numbers keep on track, Trigger Finger may be recognized along with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as having achieved epidemic proportions. Trigger…

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Exploring The Many Cures For Headaches

Many people get headaches as a response to physical strain, cramped muscles, and pinches nerves. These muscular headaches can be brutal, and are usually reoccurring to a very persistent degree. Usually, there is some level of tightness in or soreness in the area the muscle strain is occurring, like your neck or back area. Because your nerves in that region…

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Test To Find Out If You Love Yourself

Most of us are searching for love. We all hear so much about love, watch it in the movies and listen to songs of love. Somehow that kind of love does not happen to us. Whether such passionate romantic love can exist in today’s world? That is a big question. Even if you fall in such love, it will phase…

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Time Management

Natural Cures For Hemorrhoids

Don’t feel badly if you have a hemorrhoids. It is common but not many speak about it to others due to the fact it seems so personal. Most people can treat it without surgery. One way to avoid hemorhoids is to avoid straining your sphincter muscles and to take stool softeners if needed. If you work on a hard floor…

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Web Hosting

Getting The Right Office Furniture For Computing

Having the right furniture in your office can not only help you to be more productive, but it can also provide the correct support for your body as well, especially if you spend a good majority of your time in front of the computer. And whether you’re at home or the office, you most likely know that there are proper…

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Health Fitness

Be Emotionally Healthy And Live A Colorful Life

Life without emotions is like an empty canvass. Our life should have some color once in a while, or else life would be completely dull and boring. Emotions are so important in daily life. For that reason, human emotions have been the object of research and study for thousands of years. What has changed over the years has been the…

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