Wealth Building

Business Credit Cards Are On The Rise

With the number of small and home businesses growing at such an incredible rate, it is no surprise that business credit cards are making more of a showing these days in the market place. It was not long ago that small business owners had to depend on small credit lines or business loans from banks to manage cash flow on…

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Wealth Building

Plugging The Money Drain Part Iv Incidentals

This article is the fourth and last one in the series of plugging the money drain article series. There were three articles before this article. You should also read the first three parts of this article series for learning more. It is quite amazing how quickly the little things add up! Even a very modest $5 work lunch turns into…

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Money Is Emotional

Pathfinder operates on 10 principles originating from books “Money Mastery” by Alan Williams and Peter Jeppson and “The Richest man of Babylon” by George Clason as well as information I’ve learned over the years. Principle No. 1: money is emotional. When we make and spend money, it’s an emotional event. When we get a raise, we celebrate. When we get…

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Wealth Building

Consolidate Debt Now For Your Family

Managing credit card debt is a problem that many people face nowadays. Many people never really understood the best way to handle their credit cards and are now facing a mountain of debt. Some people think that credit cards are free money to be used and never think of the consequences of overspending. Now people around the country are faced…

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Internet Business

Internet Myths Exposed

The last 10 years we have been overwhelmed by the get-rich-quick schemes on the internet. The variety is huge but they do have some common principles. They promise you less or no effort and spend nothing and gain gazillion dollars in a month. Myth 1: Buy this “Super Magic” software and you will become an internet millionaire overnight. Although there…

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Wealth Building

Why Budget

In order to take control of your financial situation and avoid going into excessive debt, or in order to get yourself out of debt- a budget is necessary. You also must have a budget if you plan to save money for retirement or other large ticket purchases. If you don’t want to be controlled by your money, you must take…

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Arizona Schools Above Average For Less Money

Arizona Schools are slightly above average and that is pretty good news. When Superintendent Tom Horne released the state’s 2006 report card, it was with the news that Arizona Schools are usually placed either average, or slightly above, on indicators used to compare schools nationwide. The college entrance exams, the SATs and ACTs, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress…

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Which Kind Of Credit Card Should I Choose

As even the briefest search on the internet will show you, there are thousands of credit cards available from many different providers, and even more sites offering advice on which card you should choose. Most card advertisements and promotions make a lot of noise about attention-grabbing features such as market-leading low rates, long balance transfer deal introductory periods, or enticing…

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Health Fitness

Another Increase In Health Premiums

The health industry’s main lobbying group, America’s Health Insurance Plans, reports that medical premiums increased 8.8% between 2004 and 2005. The lobbying group claims this is good news since the actual premium rate of growth has continued to slow from a rate of more than 13% in 2002. The increase in health premiums is reportedly most likely due to the…

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