

Fitness is defined as a state of being healthy, which prepares the body for the physical necessities of daily life. To be more precise, fitness provides strength, flexibility and stamina for the proper functioning of the body. It is a total solution for a perfect, fine-tuned life. The five main components of fitness are aerobic endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance,…

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Wealth Building

A Lesson In Money Management

Things have gotten pretty bad when it comes to managing credit card debt in our “borrowing nation”. When a credit card company, or a mortgage company is encouraging you to go into debt even more by paying off a debt just to get into another, you know were in trouble. Credit card debt has grown to massive amounts. Perhaps this…

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Wealth Building

How To Effectively Match Your Credit Card Needs

Are you under a financial burden? Then find a way out; simple and easy with the array of facilities like credit cards and charge cards available today. These facilities can ease your tension to a great extent. But it all basically depends on the right card. Before selecting an appropriate card, consider some questions like Do I have good or…

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How In The World Do People Save Money

Saving money is a hard task to master. It always seems that when things come up, there goes your savings. Many people I know never have any savings to start with. Saving money is the cornerstone of a successful money management plan. Without an emergency savings when my husband recently was laid off, we would have been up a creek.…

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Gold Topping 500 Really Is A Big Deal

As gold topped $500, the news became front-page across the country, and radio and TV financial programs led off talking about the price of gold. Invariably, all noted that gold had reached nearly a two-decade high. Yet it is doubtful any of the reporters assigned to the story really grasped the importance of gold topping $500. Further, few reports dared…

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Time Management

Compulsive Spending And How To Stop

Shopaholics have earned their reputations from their uncontrollable spending habits. These people usually shop because they feel happy whenever they buy something. Unfortunately, when this feeling of happiness passes, they once again feel the need to shop to recover the wonderful feeling. In this instance, the behavior can turn into the full-time problem of compulsive spending. Compulsive spenders often find…

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Do You Have Good Posture

When I started saving, I wasn’t saving much. However, I developed an important habit. Whether you’ve wisely saved money or received a good tax return, don’t go out and blow it on more stuff. You can have anything you want, you just can’t have everything you want. A.F. Bannerman once shared wise advice worth mentioning here that I’ve come to…

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Planning A Budget Wedding

Planning A Budget Wedding. I’m sure you have seen the Steve Martin film, “Father of the Bride” where his daughter’s wedding gets out of control, with Wedding Co-Ordinators, Ice Sculptors and so on. It is not as ludicrous as it at first glance appears, as many weddings have spiralled out of control and there is a rule of thumb: “The…

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Wealth Building

Cut Back On Expenses

We are a nation of consumers, for many of us it is extremely easy and enjoyable to shop and buy new items each and everyday. Unfortunately, many people and families live way beyond their means saving little or nothing and spending large amounts of money that total more than our income- usually subsidized with credit cards. Whether you are currently…

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