Dating Women

Paying More Attention To Your Woman

Communication is such an important factor in all relationships, business and personal alike, that it should come as no surprise that we need to discuss it here as well. What is communication, after all? It is the two-way interaction that occurs, both verbally and non-verbally. What is said with actions is as important, if not more so, than what is…

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To End Or Not To End Your Relationship

Vanessa, 30 years old, is struggling with whether or not to end her six-year marriage. The answer is not at all clear to her. Vanessa and Jon have a “good” marriage. They are kind and caring with each other. They enjoy many of the same things. So why is Vanessa in such turmoil over whether to stay or leave? The…

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Dating Advice 5 Biggest Internet Dating Mistakes

Dating after a divorce is tough. You don’t quite know where to start so here are a few internet dating mistakes and their solutions. 1. Too much too soon So you have been ploughing through those endless profiles on your internet dating site and have come up with someone who interests you. There has been an exchange of emails. He…

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How To Make Romantic Eye Contact

You walk into a bar. You survey the place and instantly you catch someone looking at you. So, naturally, you look at that someone too. It is only later that you find out that both of you have actually caught each other’s eyes. So what is the next best thing to do? Do not be afraid. Having confidence in yourself…

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Signs Of A Troubled Relationship

Anyone who’s been in a long term relationship will tell you there are rough periods, and most people, when they’re honest, will admit to doubts along the way. But sometimes we don’t know how to assess, “Just how bad is it?” Here’s a list of symptoms that suggest a relationship is in trouble. The more symptoms you think are true…

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The Trouble With Rebound Relationships

It never easy when a relationship goes sour. All the love, attention, emotional investment that a person has made to his/her loved one suddenly goes down the drain. The stress and emotional turmoil that goes with this situation can be extremely devastating on a person. That is why it is not the most ideal time for a person who has…

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Are You Sucking The Passion Out Of Your Relationships

If you are a Lover, your passion is connection, the intimacy of giving and receiving. Whether you are sharing your gifts and talents with the world at large, or you are having a one-on-one love relationship, marital relationship, friendship, a family member, or a relationship with a co-worker, you enjoy fusing your essential being with everything in life. Connecting with…

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Hey Get The Phone It S For You

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I’m sure most, if not all, of you know this old story, but I’m going to tell it anyway. (Don’t stop me if you’ve heard it!) Two old prospectors are arguing over the best way to train a pack mule. The first one maintains that you have to be extra firm with a mule…

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Quiz Yourself Will You Survive Break Up

I did everything possible to save our relationship. I gave in a lot, but I could not save. We will be breaking-up soon. That has already broken my heart. This relationship was made brick by brick over so many years. What all we did not do to make it last? But alas, we are breaking -up. This is a typical…

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Marriage Relationship In Focus Strengthen It Today

Why is it that after the marriage ceremony and the honeymoon everything between the couple goes back to normal? It is like a bright light that suddenly dims. It seems like they have dreamed and then suddenly when they open their eyes, they find themselves back into reality. They fall back to their usual routines except that they are now…

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