
Developing Reading Skills When Homeschooling Your Child

The extreme amount of flexibility offered by homeschooling creates many educational benefits. One of them, of course, is that “home” and “school” become one, so that the educational experience doesn’t have to begin and end with the ringing of a bell. By incorporating educational activities into your home life as a whole, you child will gain a more valuable educational…

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Want To Improve Your Relationship With Your Wife

Recently, my wife, 7 year old daughter and I decided that since it was such a beautiful, cool, and slightly breezy evening that we would take a blanket outside, spread it out on the lawn with some refreshments, and enjoy the evening reading books. I grabbed a book that I had wanted to finish for a while, strapped on my…

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Motivating Students To Learn

As children get beyond the preschool/ kindergarten stage, many of them lose the joy in learning that is the characteristic of those early years. They may have had challenges in the classroom, or have been exposed to older children and heard some of their “school is boring” comments. The savvy parent can help to counteract this behavior by encouraging children…

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Modern Hand Analysis What S In It For Us

Hand analysis and Hand reading isn’t really anything dark or extremely predictive anymore. It is however not that accurate either. It is more modern, logical and almost scientific in approach today and has moved from it’s ancient fortune telling roots and tendencies.Modern hand reading has evolved to something more akin to a correctional, motivational and something like a hand-holding tool…

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The Essential Of Good Psychic Readings

There are many questions that can arise in a person’s life that cannot be easily answered with the standard methods of a physical reality. Matters of the spirit in particular require seeking into that area of our existence that is called the soul. For one who is not confident in their own intuitive abilities there is the option to acquire…

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K12 Education

Reading Comprehension Skills Part Ii

Do you remember that ‘reading’ means understanding the author’s message, not just calling out words? If you cannot answer comprehension questions after reading a page, you have not truly read anything. There are specific reading-comprehension skills that will help you understand what you are reading. Whereas my last article focused on Main Idea, Predicting Outcomes, Inferences, and Fact or Opinion;…

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Web Hosting

Curious About Working At Home

If you’re reading this, I can assume that you are feeling exactly the way I did only a few short months ago: sick of your day job, looking for a way out. After reading this article you may need to look no further. It’s natural to be curious about what else is out there, that will provide you with a…

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3 Ways To Inspire A Love Of Reading In Your Children

If your child is showing little interest in reading, there is hope. Sometimes moms and dads have to get sneaky, but you can still turn your child into a reader, even if he is reluctant about it. 1. The Early Bedtime trick. One of my favorite ways to get my kids to read is something they hopefully will not figure…

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Tarot How Often Should You Have A Reading

One of my FAQs is, “How often should I have a Tarot Card reading?” There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose – what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a…

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Do Speed Reading Programs Really Work

Speed reading programs are becoming more popular. Evelyn Wood discovered this technique, and introduced it to the public over 60 years ago. Since that time, many others have improved on her techniques, and several different speed reading programs are available today. With the massive amount of information we are required to process every day, developing the skill of speed reading…

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