Home Family

Make Reading Fun Use Personalized Stories

Reading regularly from an early age has enormous benefits for a child throughout childhood and in later life: * Increased comfort with reading A comfortable reader is a confident reader. This means that the speed with which something can be read increases (useful for absorbing information, in exams, and also later on in the place of work), and the reader…

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Recreation Sports

I Enjoyed The Day With Cardinals

I recently packed up some belongings and headed to a local park where I planned to spend the entire day. I did this because I was overwhelmed with the busyness of life and I knew that I needed to get away in order to have some effective hours of writing for my next book. So I packed the books I…

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Why Reading Aloud To Your Child Is Important

Okay, so your child loves to watch television, play video games, surf on the Internet, and listen to music. And there’s nothing wrong with those activities, as long as they’re used in moderation. Most parents would also love to see their kids participate in more constructive activities — like reading children’s books — but the trick is to get your…

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Trigger Off The Preparation For Your College Writing Right Away

“By the time students graduate high school, they should be able to produce more than disorganized self-expression or Internet chat,” said Marilyn Whirry, former national teacher of the year and a member of the board that oversees the national assessment. In 2003, the National Assessment of Educational Progress released the results of the writing assessment test, which aimed at identification…

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Self Improvement

Reading Silently Can Help Speed Reading

Watch a group of young children who are just beginning to read and you’ll notice one thing about almost all of them. Even if they have been instructed to silently read, most of the children will be mouthing the words they are reading. Their lips will move to pronounce the words, even though they are not speaking them aloud. The…

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Article Writing

Make Your Speech A Success

Once a young priest asked his honest grandmother how she found his first sermon. She answered:” I noticed only three flaws in it. First, you were reading. Second, you were not reading very well. And third, that sermon was not worth reading at all!” We can only imagine how the priest reacted to such words. But I don’t think he…

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Reading Comprehension Skills Part I

If you can read every word on a page, are you really reading? Well, maybe and maybe not! One definition of ‘read’ is “to utter aloud written matter;” if using this definition alone, of course you are reading. There is another definition, though, which says “to understand or interpret.” After reading the page, if you cannot answer questions about the…

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Reference Education

Everyone Needs Some Bible Software

If you are serious about studying the Bible and about learning more about Scripture, then there is no doubt in my mind that you need to invest into some Bible software. Why? Because Bible software is the newest and best way to learn all there is to know about a variety of things surrounding the Bible. Just like any other…

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Teach Your Child Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness skills are key to reading success. Phonological awareness is an important foundation for learning to read. Scientific research has documented that phonological awareness is a better predictor of reading success than IQ, vocabulary, or socioeconomic level of the family. Research has shown that children who begin reading instruction with sufficiently developed phonological awareness understand the instruction better, master…

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Lay The Groundwork For A Lifetime Of Reading

At school, reading is the essential tool for success in every subject, so it is vital that you lay the proper groundwork for your child. According to Bernabe Feria, an expert in reading sciences who holds a doctorate from Oxford University, children learn to read in three stages. They are as follows: * Stage 1: This stage typically lasts until…

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