Health Fitness

Self Improvement

No matter what part of society you operate in, mental health care is one of the most ignored issues that there is. I know this might seem like an excessive generalization, but think about it. If people are sick – even if they just have a minor cold – they often go to the doctor. At the very least, they…

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Health Fitness

An Analysis Of Trauma

The common image for trauma and traumatic experiences usually encompasses the negative extremes of life. Rape, childhood abuse, war, mass destruction, and natural disasters are all seen as the causes of trauma. They are valid causes, to be sure, but they are not the only reasons. Certainly, they are the ones that have cast the greatest shadow over the collective…

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Military Psychology The Latest Developments

Aside from the billions of dollars spent on military hardware like planes, submarines, aircraft carriers and state of the art missiles, militaries and armed forces of the United States of America has also relied on military psychology to further boost its war time efforts to finish of battles and gather intelligence. This form of war strategy is very effective and…

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What Is Personality

In their opus magnum “Personality Disorders in Modern Life”, Theodore Millon and Roger Davis define personality as: “(A) complex pattern of deeply embedded psychological characteristics that are expressed automatically in almost every area of psychological functioning.” (p. 2) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)) IV-TR (2000), published by the American Psychiatric Association, defines personality traits as: “(E)nduring patterns of perceiving,…

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