Health Fitness

Mood Disorders Might Be Genetically Linked

Everyone’s just a little bit crazy on the inside, or so the saying goes. If the statistics are anything to go by, then the old saying is rather accurate. Studies show that everyone has fought off a mental illness at least once, usually in the form of a mood disorder, like depression or social anxiety disorder. In fact, most people…

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Travel Phobia And Fear Of Driving

Travel phobia is a particular form of anxiety that may occur after a person has been involved in some kind of accident, maybe a road or rail crash. They may have escaped physically unscathed from the incident, however they might well have perceived it as a potential threat to their well being, physical health or indeed life. Anyone suffering from…

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Time Management

How To Overcome Anxiety And Panic Attacks Permanently

The desire to overcome anxiety and panic attacks permanently is only natural considering the debilitating effects these issues can have on your life. It should be understood that while the process of overcoming these attacks does require time and dedication, it is possible to overcome anxiety and attacks permanently without the use of prescription medications. If you are interested in…

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Health Fitness

Want To Stop Panic Attack Symptoms

Have you ever suffered from a panic attack? A panic attack occurs when feelings of intense anxiety and fear overwhelm you and manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, including a pounding heart, shaking, dizziness, nausea, sweating, chills, shortness of breath, or others. The attack can last for a very short period or for hours. Sometimes, you may be able…

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Time Management

How To Treat Panic Attacks

Before I get into the treatment of panic attacks, we’ll go over some of the basics as to what causes panic attacks to occur. Excessive anxiety is on of the main reasons why panic attacks occur, in fact, all a panic attack is a sudden spike of fear/anxiety that comes unexpectedly and without any obvious reason. If you are reading…

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Time Management

Fear And Anxiety Revealed

An anxiety attack is what we would describe as rush of thriving urgency of overpowering fear that starts with no due announcement and without having any cause of initiating in the first place. After the attack commences it will reach its highest peak after about 60 seconds or so. Anxiety Attack Disorder tends to affect people are normally in the…

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Time Management

Panic Disorder What Is The True Meaning Of Panic Disorder

Are panic disorder and panic attacks the same thing or are they two separate conditions? In other words, does someone who suffers from panic attacks automatically get labelled as having panic disorder? The short answer to that question is no. Someone who suffers from panic attacks doesn’t necessarily have panic disorder. First of all, throughout the world, every year, many…

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Time Management

Paddle Fabrication On The Brown And Stinky Creek

We’ve all been there. Nothing in our sights but nasty threats, impatiently waiting challenges, bad smelling dooms, and impossibly ugly situations. I am referring to the feeling of helplessly sailing into a paralyzing cacophony of menacing boogie-men and purple meanies just ready to pounce. There is a colloquial phrase for this– colorfully expressed as being up a certain particularly smelly…

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