
Guilt Resentment And Our Struggles

Why Do I Feel Guilty? Before we can start to understand the why behind the guilt, let’s first define it. Guilt means that we believe that something we are doing is causing pain to someone else. It’s activated by our behavior, thoughts, or feelings that we judge to be wrong or bad. Normal parents are protective of their children. But…

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Understanding Chronic Leukemia

Leukemia is a disease of the blood and bone marrow that occurs on the background of genetic predispositions to cancer. Leukemia affects the cellular process of maturation, causing the accumulation of immature blood cells in the spinal marrow and bloodstream. In some cases leukemia causes the incomplete cells to multiply very quickly, while in other cases the abnormal blood cells…

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The Construct Of Normal Personality

Personality disorders are dysfunctions of our whole identity, tears in the fabric of who we are. They are all-pervasive because our personality is ubiquitous and permeates each and every one of our mental cells. I just published the first article in this topic titled “What is Personality?”. Read it to understand the subtle differences between “personality”, “character”, and “temperament”. In…

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I Wish It Could Have Been Otherwise

This was written for an academic journal about people with disabilities and what that means concerning their parent-child relationships. As far back as I can remember, I have been hearing voices. It started when I was just three months old. I remember lying on my back in a cold sweat, undergoing nicotine withdrawal (as I found out decades later), my…

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Time Management

Have You Ever Lost Something Or Someone

Bereavement refers to people who experience the loss, through death, of a loved one or someone who has importance to them. Bereavement is a normal experience in a sense to each and every one of us since it occurs in the course of our lifetime. The loss is very depressing to some and this could lead into inconsolable grief and…

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Terrible Effect Of Acne Everyone S Problem At One Point Of Their Lives

Teens are getting more conscious about the changes that they undergo. This is just normal for a person who enters the adolescence stage. The changes may include several factors such as the physical and emotional aspects of their transition. The transformation that they go through is considered as the normal physical change any person goes through. It comprises the growth…

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Warning Signs Of Adolescent Depression

We are all concerned about the health of our children from the moment that they emerge into the world, but an overlooked aspect of their health could turn out to be one of the biggest factors. A child’s mental health, and, later in life, an adolescent’s mental health, have huge effects on the way that our children and teens live.…

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Health Fitness

Taking Osteoporosis In Stride

Most women suffer from osteoporosis after they hit their menopausal stage. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by bones becoming so thin and fragile that they are more likely to break easily. Without treatment, this condition may progress without any sign of pain until a bone breaks. Fractures usually occurs in the hip, spine and wrist — bone injuries that require…

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Health Fitness

Dwarfism And Self Esteem

In the 1960’s, “The Smurfs” became a hit on television. It is an animated series that features dwarf-like characters that walk, run, and talk. They are like human beings except the fact that they are miniature in size. Sad to say that there are individuals today that suffer from a condition which results in extreme small size proportions. Dwarfism is…

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