Disease Illness

What Hypertension Means To You

The trouble with high blood pressure today is it is so common and talked about so often that many people don’t seem to treat it with the respect it merits. High blood pressure or hypertension is a killer and should be dealt with as a killer. Numerous scientists and doctors have spent a large amount of time, money and effort…

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A Look At Gothic Clothing

There seems to be a sub culture that most folks are not aware in our society today. As people look for individualism and the right to be very different, many have discovered Gothic. Now the first thing you may think of is medieval, or even a covenant of satan worshippers. Well that is not so, not to say some may…

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Health Fitness

Various Back Pain Causes

Back Pain causes a lot of inconvenience and hindrance to the normal lifestyle of a person. There are a number of Back Pain Causes, but the two most common causes related to discs are disc injury and degenerative disc. Disc degeneration leads to water content loss that narrows the gap between two vertebrae. This can cause pinching of a nerve…

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Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a part of everyday life in the new millennium. But for people, it expresses itself much worse than for others. Anxiety symptoms that go beyond the typical expressions of unease and nervousness should not be ignored. While many people can expect to suffer an anxiety attack at some point in their life, recurring episodes of extreme anxiety are…

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Health Fitness

Conquering The Stigma Of A Mental Health Disorder

Having a family member that is suffering a mental health disorder can be taxing at times. Depending on the severity of the disorder, many families have been broken up because of this. Some of them can be blamed on the lack of love or patience a family member can bestow. Some just cannot handle the pressure and others just cannot…

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Computers Technology

Video Phones A New Era Of Communication

A videophone can be defined as a telephone, which has a viewing screen and a built-in camera. The main advantage of a videophone is that you can talk and see with a person at the same time. It gives the impression that the person whom you’re talking to is right in front of you. Videophones can also be used to…

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Weight Loss

Blame It On Iodine

If you are seriously trying to lose weight, chances are have tried several different programs. Many of you are still not getting down to your desired or ideal weight. One big reason could be that you are having problems with one little molecule. Iodine is the basis for the extremely important Thyroid Hormone in your body. That hormone regulates everything…

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Disease Illness

About Anorexia

Plainly put, anorexia is an eating disorder where a person starves him or herself. Anorexia mainly affects adolescent girls. They have an intense fear of becoming fat. They think they are overweight, but in fact most anorexics weigh a full 15% below their normal body weight. Anorexia strikes about 1% of adolescent females. This is about one in one hundred…

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Health Fitness

A Better Help Sleep Drug

Have you been tossing and rolling in bed lately? Staring endlessly in the ceiling till the wee hours of the morning while counting sheep? Then you are suffering from sleeping disorder or insomnia. Insomnia can also be defined as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early, or waking up feeling worn out. Almost everyone has brief encounters…

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World S Fastest Mental Math Method

High Speed Vedic Mathematics is a super fast way of calculation whereby you can do supposedly complex calculations like 998 x 997 in less than five seconds flat. This makes it the World’s Fastest Mental Math Method.It is highly beneficial for school and college students and students who are appearing for their entrance examinations. High Speed Vedic Mathematics is far…

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