
That Undercover Vitamin

There is a sly vitamin sneaking around town, wandering around your body under cover of your skin. This “vitamin” has a single purpose, although some researchers suspect he has ulterior motives. He goes by the inconspicuous handle of “D” – Vitamin D. Don’t be fooled by his clever disguise. D is no vitamin. He’s a steroid hormone, slipping through your…

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What S So Great About Feta Cheese

Cheese. Just a mere mention of the word and one would think of sumptuous appetizers or meals served with them. Cheese, when served with wine, depicts impeccable taste and class. Here is but one of the many varieties of cheeses: Meet the Feta Cheese. Feta (from the Italian word ‘fetta’ meaning ‘slice’) is actually cheese curd in brine solution. It…

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Help Struggling Families With Gifts Of Livestock

Somewhere in a forgotten corner of the United States or 47 other countries around the world, a family struggling with hunger and poverty could help sustain itself if it had some livestock. Fortunately, you can fund all or part of the cost of helping such a family through Heifer International, which for more than 50 years has provided farm animals…

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Alternative Medicine

Sleeping Problems In The Elderly

Sleeping problems in the elderly are more than likely to manifest in a particular pattern, depending on the health of the person, and the prescription drugs they may be taking for their health problems.The quality of their sleep may change considerably, either because of less demands on their energy as a result of retirement, or through illness. Illness disrupts sleep…

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Tips To Smarter Snacking

Are you a between-meal eater? Many of us are, but that doesn’t mean you have to visit the vending machine all day. There are smarter ways to snack throughout the day where you can lower your calories and still fill the hunger gap. Roberta Larson Duyff, MS, RD, author of the American Dietetic Association’s Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, goes…

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Spitting Up And Other Joys Of Motherhood

If you have a newborn, he or she is going to spit up. Some babies do it more than others, but they all do it. There are several reasons why, and some things you can do to minimize spitting up. Newborns spit up more than older babies, in part because their esophagus is not mature yet, and in part because…

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Food Beverage

The Dairy Dilemma

There have been new and confusing reports about milk and dairy products in the news lately. The dairy council has come out with a report that three servings a day will help you lose fat and weight. At the same time, another study (not as well publicized) came out saying that children who drink more than three servings of milk…

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Don T Have A Cow This Holiday Season Give One

Want to give a meaningful gift that won’t be forgotten or stashed away after the holidays? Heifer International, an organization working to fight hunger worldwide, has a solution: livestock. By donating a sheep, cow or any other farm animal in honor of a loved one through Heifer International, you can help impoverished families get the resources they need to get…

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Cappuccino How To Make This Rich Dark Coffee

The taste of a good cappuccino is totally lip smacking and some times people just cannot start their day without a cup of cappuccino. Cappuccino is a rich, dark coffee whose recipe originated in Italy. The name cappuccino actually comes from the resemblance of its color to the robes of the monks of the Capuchin order. Cappuccino has a large…

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