
Regional Indian Cookery The Punjab

The Punjab is situated in eastern India and is divided by the Indian/Pakistani border. It is very fertile because of the rivers that cross here and as a consequence, agriculture is central to the economy. Wheat accounts for a large proportion of the crops, along with corn, mustard greens, sugar cane and rice. Buffalo milk which is 3% higher in…

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Getting A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast, like any other meal of the day, needs proper planning. No longer is it planned independently of the other meals. The three meals should be planned as a unit and balanced against the daily body requirement with enough allowance for good health. A light breakfast must necessarily be followed be a substantial meal, while a heavy breakfast must be…

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Breast Pumps Using Cues For A Faster Let Down

Did you know using a breast pump to express milk for your infant can be a learned skill? One of the challenges pumping mothers face is to elicit a let-down or their milk ejection reflex in a reasonable amount of time. Breast pumps and your baby do not remove milk from your breast by suction alone. Compression and stimulation to…

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