
Advice On Adopting A Pitbull

Dear Adam: I purchased your book about 5 months ago, and I was hoping that might would “entitle” me to some advice. First, let me say that I’m very satisfied with my purchase. Not only does it give advice on specific techniques, but, more importantly, it explains the foundation of all training–timing, motivation, consistency–allowing the dog owner to better understand…

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Rx For A Job Search

Older Workers Like Work Gee whiz! I never thought I would have to look for a jobagain, but I do. Funny that no one taught or told me that savings don’t last forever. I’m in that “pickle!” Besides savings running out, I feel better working! That idea goes again the grain of American culture. People of a certain age are…

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Health Fitness

To Be Young Hip And Super Thin

Cause I’m young, and I’m hip, so beautiful I’m gonna be a supermodel I’m young, and I’m hip, so beautiful I’m gonna be supermodel I didn’t, eat yesterday And I’m going not eat today And I’m not gonna eat tomorrow Cause I’m gonna be a supermodel –Lines from the song “I wanna be a Supermodel” This popular song by Avril…

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Self Improvement

Dreaming Big Living Large

“I’m going to be an astronaut.” “I’m going to be a movie star.” “I’m going to be the President.” “I’m going to own a chocolate factory!” What were your childhood dreams? We still have the ability to dream big, no matter how old or young, no matter where we live, and no matter what our family believed and taught us…

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The One Thing I Know

I know one thing. I know this thing with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my being. I know that I have the choice to be who I am, when I am, where I am. I may not have a choice, today, about what I do for a living, where I live, or what kind…

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Oh What A Feeling

So here is the story. I crashed a dirtbike. I know its a short one, but why bore you with details that you really dont need to know? Why is it that when we get power in our hands, we attempt to use it to the fullest. It’s as if we will never have it again. Lets get out of…

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Calling Yourself A Christian

Having found Jesus is a beautiful thing.Your life seems to have meaning. You’ve seem to have found something that brings you great joy and happiness. Your loneliness and emptiness have disappeared. Praise the Lord. Anyone that has accepted Jesus in their heart is considered to be a follower of Jesus Christ. So, when anyone asks you, “Are you a Christian?”,…

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Computers Technology

How Many Macs Are Too Many Macs

Please don’t think me greedy. I’m just attached to my Macs. I suspect I’m not alone: The more Mac computers I get, the harder it is to part with them. I no sooner pay for one than I buy another. And although I have sold a few over the years, lately I’m turning into a Mac miser. You know those…

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Internet Business

Internet Marketing Novice Appeals To Web Gurus

A web business is my last chance to suceed in the economic world and I’m counting on you Internet marketing gurus for help. All your ads hype (and hype and hype and hype) the promise of your invaluable assitance. Surly a few months of being an Internet Mogul and I’ll be flush with success, just like you. All you gurus…

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