Home Security

Fire Alarms Save You From Disasters

In the 30 -35 years following 1960 about 93% of American households had their homes protected by installing fire alarms. This was not limited to any one form but apartments, single or family homes and dormitories all got their homes installed with some kind of alarms as required by the law which was made mandatory in 1980s. How Will Fire…

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Are You Famous Or Focused

ARE YOU FAMOUS OR FOCUSED? Are you famous or are you focused? Let’s start with “famous”. When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for? Are you famous for procrastination…negative words…poor time management…What are you famous for? Let me share with you what I am famous for. I am famous for consistent, structured, focused daily…

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Disease Illness

Aspergers Syndrome General Information

Aspergers Syndrome is a type of Autism, however, the symptoms are usually much milder and less distressing to those people around them. However, it is still a serious condition which affects 1-2 people in 2000, of which, more tend to be boys than girls. Aspergers Syndrome wasn’t widely recognized by parents and professionals as recently as in the 1990’s. Autism…

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Stress Management

A Change Is As Good As A Rest

How many times do you hear yourself say “I need a vacation!”? Your life is busy with routines – work, school, laundry, bringing the kids to all of their activities, so it’s no wonder that you feel hassled, stressed or on a running wheel that you can’t seem to get off of. Maybe your job seems boring, or your daily…

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Time Management

Peace The Balm To Soothe Troubled Lives And Times

In his masterpiece, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl writes, “Every age has its own collective neurosis and every age needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it.” There is a collective neurosis in our world today, it is the cry for peace emanating from individuals, groups, communities and nations, impacting the mass consciousness. The cries and marches for peace,…

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Time Management

Procrastination Kills Kill Procrastination

In the fight against malaria, some television adverts were launched and they all ended with the same message: “mosquito kills, kill mosquito!” In my own fight against a destroyer of destinies, I will also want to adopt the same theme. Procrastination has destroyed so many people with great potentials. It has made the grave the richest place on earth all…

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